Hi... First off.. I love my Prius but my frustration is starting to build. Got in it this morning and.. no radio, just static- scanned stations/Nothing. Not a problem- I figured probably a fuse and I made a quick appt for this coming monday to run her in. My mother in law came by a few hours later - Husband and I taking her out for dinner. I "proudly" decided to drive my Prius. Beautiful day, 1/2 tank of gas, smooth road.. I hear one beep (thought it was my husbands cell phone) and the car would not accelerate - nothing showing on the panel - I looked at the dashboard energy monitor/ No movement but no bells and whistles giving me any clue as to what was going on. She had enough energy in her that I was able to pull over--after that, nothing. (so much for showing off my Prius) I turned off the car- we all had a chat about it for a few minutes (more or less Wth?) -then started her up again and all was fine (except my fear of it happening again which made for an awful/worrisome day) Any ideas whats going on? The car has 32,000 miles on it- and today, between the radio and the stalling of the car- I would love to take her back. There is Nothing worse than having the fear in the back of my head that this could happen again, and in a more dangerous driving situation. -- Any thoughts would be appreciated thnx
Without codes not much we can say about it other than sorry it happened. Also since you posted in the wrong forum, you might not get many responses. Take it in have the dealer look it over. Is it still under three years old? If so, you warranty should take care of things. Try to relax.
Has anything been done to this car, particularly aftermarket devices added to its electrical system? Are you the original owner? I see gremlins at work here. You have described some type of interlock system, like for drunk drivers.
sorry about the wrong forum area... desperation and frustration made me want to post fast. I'm the 2nd owner of the car, but purchased it via the toyota dealer- so I would "like" to think they went over it with a fine tooth comb before sales. Drove it today without any problem (except radio still not working.. but cd player is). would having any additional weight in the back area make any difference? (not saying my mother in law is a large woman.. but she was in the back AND we had a 180 lb frozen margaritta machine in the trunk area.-- A fun time was had by all ;-) -- grasping at straws. I have an appt for tomorrow night. I'll let you know if they come up with anything. thanks everyone.. I greatly appreciate your thoughts !
You get a single beep if you accidentally knock it into neutral. The only way that happens quickly is if you (or your purse or your passenger) causes the parking button to be depressed. If you get it again, check for N on the display and then if it's in N shift it to D and go merrily on your way. I've had it happen once to me when my wife accidentally caught the button while I was driving. Car beeped, she exclaimed, noticed I was losing speed and it took me a second and then I thought to check N.
^ hey that is a very good possibility. In fact the OP should try this while driving (when safe of course) to see if that is what was experienced. Or even holding the shifter over in neutral for a second will do it too.
:rockon: And we have a Winner !!!!:rockon: I can't believe you came up with this! This was the explanation I got from the dealer tonight when I took it in. He initially said it possibly "skipped a code" (no idea what that meant but it was a long work day for me so I did a nod and smile-- sorry, not the most efficient Prius Owner when I'm tired).. but he said more than likely I may have hit the park and thrown it into neutral. He said he has seen this happen with HIS wife! They ran it through diagnostics and said everything looks good. As far as the radio.. never in my life have I had a radio die on me-- but this one is a gonner. Good news.. its under warranty New one is ordered and on its way. back to being a happy Prius owner! thanks everyone~
Glad it's going to be OK. I had a similar experience when my dog stepped on the P button, which puts the car in neutral at any speed over a few MPH.
I did the same thing driving the car home from the dealer the day I bought it. Fortunately, after sitting at a stop sign for over a minute, I figured it out and haven't done it since.
Well, this obviously happens, but I cannot visualize how the driver does it inadvertently. Ideas ? Btw, one of my first impressions with my CT was the park button was a bit difficult to reach. Maybe it was on purpose
lol.. ok.. this is what I noticed today.. and only "I" could come up with this weirdness... Take your pointing finger on your right hand and press MODE (on temp control area), your (my) other fingers are bent back, your (my) knuckles are slightly touching the "P" button -- and could easily hit it by mistake. Again, I'm probably the only one that has this ability, so I don't see Toyota making and Grand design changes due to my knuckle issue, anytime soon