The decals where people put their names under the kids and the dogs, just kind of creep me out...I look at those as invite for someone to ask your kids personal questions about the family...Pedobear must love that much information.... My worthless 2 cents.
I saw them at Buy Buy Baby hanging by the front register, I think it's neat when people are proud of their family. I would wager you can also probably find them at any other baby store like babies R us, or even on ebay. "Family car decals" search or something like that. Some harsh comments guys, take it easy on the OP because after all, every single one of us drives the most ridiculous looking car on the road, second only to the even uglier Pontiac Aztec.
OMG those Aztec things are thick as flies in Michigan. Ugly :doh: IMO the 3rd Gen Prius is awesome looking. Especially Blizzard Pearl with a Solar roof :eyebrows: Mike
Agree. We have the same car. You should get the stickers, cause I think I can resist 'em, and that way people can tell us apart.
Friend or not, some of the comments were out of order. One of the down sides to "I have an opinion and no filter" by-products of the internet.
You all have your opinions and suggestions. My question was answered well and the wife & I can figure out what we want to do as far as decorating the back window on our SUV and my Prius when it arrives Thanks to everyone I now know where to buy those decals. I just couldn't for the life of me figure out the right key words to give me real websites in a Google search. Now I do Mike :tea:
Hi Mike! Wonder if I am the only one who has "picked up" on the callsign as your sign in logo? My wife has the decals on the back of our 2010 Town n' Country...have a great day and good luck! Rick-WB4GQA
Hi Rick, Some have figured it out but most call me weoh not knowing that it is we0h I am thinking of either getting callsign plates for my Prius or just having a decal made up for the lower rear window. I haven't had callsign plates on my vehicles in many years. MN plate colors are boring. They don't allow the special color plates for Amateur Radio plates which stinks. My Ion (current summer car until my Prius arrives) is red color and has cool red white & blue flag style plates which go with the car's color just perfect :usa: I'll figure sumthin out for the new car BTW, damn nice color on your car. I looked at those but the Plus Performance package is not available in that color Mike --... ...--
Never!,... just wondering about that last reply? I tend to post my opinions, no matter if they wrinkle others'. Not a big deal, either way. Sorry to offend.
"Originally Posted by Danny Hamilton umad bro?" Actually, by saying "umad bro", Danny Hamilton was asking you a rhetorical question. From the Urban Dictionary: A popular phrase among internet users or gamers, usually in response to another's anger or misfortune. Also considered as a form of trolling, due to its potent nature. Other similar phrases include, 'u mad breh?' 'why u mad?' and, a personal favorite, 'LOL WHY U FOAMIN, BREH??" **When trolling, it is advisable to type in all capitals and use a large amount of spelling errors. What will piss someone off more: You mad, or LOL U MAD?** Rager: 'u mad' is a dipshit response when some sissy kiddy on the net can't respond because he don't accept his ghey self. Gamer: u mad. 2nd Definition: Pissing someone off to the fullest extent Guy: IM GONNA FIND OUT WHERE YOU LIVE AND BREAK YOUR FACE Guy2: Lol U Mad