Good evening, Well I own a 06 prii, on the way home I had the dreaded Red triangle light up along with several other warning lights, pulled over looked it up and called a dealership to confirm issues,. Turned car off and back on red triangle stayed on, To make along story short I finally get the car to the dealership in the evening right before closing. The next day I get a call from my service advisor that the Transmission is bad to be more direct an electrical motor on the transmission is bad, they can't replace just the electric motor they will have to replace the whole trans for $7K!!! So I gleefully tell him that's fine I have the ext warranty. I authorize the work along with a recall on water pump fix and the 90K svc. He says he will check into part availability. I then call the next day after not hearing and he basically tells me that the warranty companies are feuding over who will pay! Then I get the call that it is decided that the original warranty will pay and miracously the electric motor can be replaced without replacing the whole tranny!!! Any body else have the experience at 89K on there prius also, wouldn't this electric motor going out damage the CVT? I am open to all advice Thanks.
In California and other CARB states, you have a unique situation that the transaxle is sometimes covered by powertrain warranty, 5/60, or sometimes CARB warranty, 10/150. It is possible to change the electric motor, probably MG2, but this is usually not done on Gen II because of the availability of salvage units, about $500 +/- plus installation. 89K is considered a very early failure. Did you ever have it serviced, i.e. a fluid check or change?
I cannot speak to the OP's model year, but among the many different warranties for my later model is a 'Hybrid System Warranty' at 8/100k. While it doesn't list the whole transaxle, it does list the Motor and Generator as part of the Hybrid System. This is for all 50 states, not just CARB states.
So Thank You very much for your quick response I have had the car serviced Only by Toyota dealerships and asked not only what is due but what is recommended, Not one of the dealerships has yet asked about servicing the fluids in the transmission that I can recall, I will check my receipts of service though just to make sure., I heard from the dealership today and apparently the" electric motor" that they are replacing is not inside the tranny as once stated but bolts on to the outside, so they will not be "opening the tranny for an inspection of innards either. So it becomes more and more convuluted. It is being covered by the original warranty. Anybody else experienced this problem!?
Okay, what's the diagnostic trouble code? That doesn't sound right, although service advisors tend not to know what they are talking about.
Yep, and those don't go bad. Technicians only think they do when, having the inverter cooling pump offline, the 12V battery goes low.
funny how when its your dime, you need this, that and the other..... When it is their dime, you just need this...
LOL I was thinking exactly the same thing Ninn. "Sorry to inform your of this sir, but your Prius is completely screwed. We're going to have to replace almost every component in the drive train. The cost will be $25000." Say what? You're under warranty and we are paying for this. Ummm just let me go and look at that again. .... Sir we've please to inform you that we've fixed your Prius. It was the wiper blades.
You're exaggerating for effect and I like it!! I wonder if there have been actual scientific studies where they send a man into a service center and than the next week they send a woman into the service center with the exact identical car and see if the service center says the car needs the same thing or if they try to fool the woman into paying for extra things? I'd be very curious to see the results of such a scientific study.
^^ Why would they throw away half the potential market? With the complexity of modern cars, they can fool most men into paying for extra things too.