I traded in my 2011 Subaru Impeza 2.5i with now 7,000 miles for a new leftover 2011 Prius II. It's got nothing, as basic as they come but the $1,000 savings plus qualifying for 0% financing with the equity I had in my Subaru made my payments exactly the same for the same duration of time thus getting me a brand new vehicle for the same price as my Subaru with 7k miles. I will miss my AWD because it does make a huge difference in mud, rain, and snow all of which I tend to drive in being an outdoor enthusiast, but I can always buy a beater car. I was getting 30mpg best with my Subaru (5speed.) I can no longer drive stick at this time due to a leg injury which may never heal. I purchased this Prius because I wanted better MPG, I need an automatic, the trunk / hatch area is bigger than my subaru sedan trunk (almost non existent) and I have a 3 month old daughter. I'd much rather spend money on my child than filling my gas tank every week. Anyway I am glad to be here, I pick up the car tomorrow perhaps I will post a photo if It's still light out when I return with it. I chose blue with the darkest color gray interior.. most of the other leftovers were all dark gray, or red. This was the only blue one and I'm actually kinda surprised it was still on a dealer lot. I didn't get any spectacular low price deal so there's not much to be said about that, the Prius is an easy car to sell people don't need to be told about them - they just go buy it. See you around!
Wow, welcome aboard! I don't think you will miss the AWD that much. I had a 99 Outback and I never looked back.
That is reassuring coming from a person who lives in Alaska, haha! Thank you for that and I also just sold my 98 outback.
I got rid of my 05 Saabaru 9-2x, Aero, 2.0 L Turbo (Impreza WRX wagon) a few months before I got my Prius. I don't have to deal with winter here so I don't miss the AWD, I also don't miss shifting especially in Honolulu traffic. Welcome to PriusChat, enjoy your new car! Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Congratulations on your new purchase. One good features on the Prius is the limited slip control so you won't do unnecessary burnouts going up an icy incline or hill. Enjoy your hybrid and extra $$$ for the kid.
We just got our 2011 Prius 11 as well & am loving it. We also have a Subaru B9 which takes Premium gas so we are used to the higher price of gas but on average combined we get 21.8 MPG, we do have 132,000 miles on it. I do not miss driving that car but it did what it was meant to do the past 6 years, is great to go out to the Beach in & to travel with 6 dogs & a child. We moved from MD to NC so we don't need AWD. We just needed a 2nd car since I hated leaving DH & son without a vehicle when I am off at dog shows. I only have 1 tank in the car & avg. about 52 mpg. Right now this tank I am at 59 so loving the gas savings compared to the B9.
Spiderman's car looks like a rally car during the winter! I would not know but they say that a Prius equipped with proper winter tires is quite capable to handle most winter road conditions. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Sorry to hear about the leg injury. That is what forced my mother to prematurely trade in a stick for an automatic. My household will not give up its last stick anytime soon, though I'm trying to persuade the spouse into giving up her pre-airbag model. Darn Hondas don't wear out. I'm surprised that you couldn't beat 30 in the Subaru, unless you had it only in fall and winter. Our fifteen year old Subaru, larger and with an older version of the same engine, does better in summer. Though it took 11 years, $4 gas, and a ScanGauge to get it above 30. The Prius immediately displaced it as the road trip car, except in winter.
My 2.2l 98 legacy got 32 mpg, my 98 outback 2.5l got 28 mpg, and my new 11' impreza got 30 mpg best, I had it since may of 2011. On another note, I picked up my car tonight... It had 166 miles on it after being delivered and I was not happy about that. The front bumper was covered in stone chips, and I was not taking delivery until they promised to locate me a brand new front bumper. After 1 drive home, and showing it to my friends family, everyone loves it. I enjoyed driving it and feel like I made the right purchase immediately. Once the new bumper is on I won't be so upset about anything. Oh, they also gave it to me with less than half tank of gas, I thought the paper work I signed said it comes with a full tank, they short changed me there but I don't care my trade in had a half tank also, what ever. too dark, ill post pic tomorrow
Right on, way to insist on a new bumper skin! I would also follow up on the full tank of gas. It says it right on the sticker: "full tank of gas"! They made plenty off your trade-in, trust me.
All sticks? Not too shabby on the older two, so that gives me a decent reference point for the Impreza in case DW can be parted from her ancient car. Your Outback is effectively the same as my Legacy GT but with a couple inch taller cross section, enough drag to lower mpg slightly from what I'm getting. I'm trying to help a friend getting only 24 mpg from a 2.2L '95 Legacy, which I though should be capable of beating mine. If you got 32, I should be able to get her up into the 30s also.
Yes, all stick and the funny thing is my WRX got 24 mpg, the STI got like 22. I was the epitome of Subaru Enthusiast, I've had many. If your friend has a 2.2l 5 speed with good clean oil, a fresh tune up, and shifting around 2,800 rpms they should easily get 30mpg. You can increase that but neutral coasting, but only recommend that for people who have been driving stick for a few years. I got in my Prius today and took it back to the dealer just to have them fill the gas tank. They looked at me like I was an idiot, I said look I signed a contract that says "full tank of fuel, or gas card equivalent" so I got it filled. I'm really worried about having them swap bumper covers, I may get a new one but you know how nothing ever seems to fit right once you take it apart? I fear they will mess something else up. I am considering just living with the little flaws if I can polish the paint enough to make them hardly noticeable. Here is my car! I have some questions... Is there any aftermarket way to get rid of the terrible blue behind the toyota logo? Also, can I turn the insanely annoying backup alarm chime OFF inside the car? It's distracting to me. So far, I love the car!!!!! Really excited to be part of this group! Thank you all for the welcomes
You can ask the dealership to turn off the alarm or get a OBDII device and use your smartphone with an ODBII interpreter to turn it off yourself. There are a few postings scattered here and there in some of the forums on how to do it yourself, but you may need to get the ODBII device and software, as the car you have might be a Gen 3 which will need that, otherwise, there is another way to turn it to a single beep versus a constant beep.
Dude, have them replace that skin! If they mess things up, take it back again. Remind them you will be getting a customer satisfaction survey in the mail soon from Toyota.
Also, reach out and see if there is someone in your area with a Scan Gauge II... I am sure they would be more than willing to set those chimes off.
A single beep I could live with, but the constant beep is terrible if I were to hit something (has never happened) I wouldn't hear it over the alarm.