After much frustration with the flush and gripless radio knobs I found an easy solution. Lowes sells grip tape for stairs in the hardware section...simply cut a 3" x 3mm strip with a razor blade (paper-side) and adjust length to fit. It is extremely tactile much so I am going to do the same thing on the AC wheel this weekend. Attached is a pic....virtually invisible.
THE FIX FOR SLIPPERY KNOBS FOR ONLY $6 TO $8. WORK GREAT. SOFT RUBBER CUSTOM MADE Fit 7/8" (22mm) slick knobs. Mail orders $6 a pair. Paypal $8 a pair at
START AS BLACK RUBBER BUT AFTER PROCESSING THEY ARE BETWEEN DARK GRAY AND LIGHT BLACK.. Sorry about leaving caps on. I put a slightly coarse texture on them to give them a better grip, which lightens the color, so I really cannot control the color at this time. I am looking into a dye process to offer colors.
For those that have inquired about these grips here is an update. I stopped making these for months. Had no luck getting them made with color choices through a 3rd party manufacturer. After multiple inquiries I began making them again. They are only available on ebay but that provides better invoicing, faster shipping and ebay buyer protection. Search title Toyota Entune Premium. Thanks.