For all you forum members who have recently purchased a Priuc C, and I know there is a few. Please post your mpg results as soon as you can, also if the mpg gauge is accurate in comparison to calculated mpg's. There is a lot of us out here waiting.... Thanks guys
Driven 3 times, total miles of less than 20 and averaged over 50.0 each trip according to the computer.
Thanks for the info. 50 mpg is great espically for short trips. Let us know how accurate the mpg gauge is.
Thanks, looks like the mpg's will ony get better, mid 50's for a new vehicle not even broken in is almost unheard of.... Let us know if the mpg gauge is accurate, ours is off about 3.5 mpg consistently over reading.
have about 50 miles on ours now, been getting around 45 mpg ish. I think that's mostly due to climbing a lot of hills and also having more than 1 person in the car. Haven't really driven it too much myself, my wife is the main driver. I will probably drive it a bit this weekend. We'll see how that goes.
I took the scenic at night route home from work which is all rural roads with some 25 and 35 mph zones mostly 45. long stretches of nothing and some hills.
I will be filling up for the first time in the next few days, and the dealer topped it off when I purchased it, so I'll find out a rough idea how accurate it is, but will have to more so wait for the second tank, I am going to get the scan gauge II also running by the time I fill up also. Ron
I've had my c III for less than 24 hours and have taken only very short trips (20-25 minutes) around town. I haven't seen anything less then 52.3 MPH so far. I am very pleased! Short trips were the worst case for my previous Prius (a 2007). This is far better than I had expected. Despite the c's EPA numbers being close to that of the full-size Prius, this demonstrates that it really is optimized for city driving.
picked up my prius C 2 yesterday, Love Love Love the car, on the hwy trip home from green bay, to Oshkosh, 50 miles, I averaged 50.2 mpg,,,,, and doing about 20 city miles, averaged 60 Mpg,,,,i Had to drive back to green bay too pick up yaris, so i did another 100 miles, and avg 52.... I filled tank up and the computer is spot on to actuall Mpg...... My 2010 prius is off by 3mpg always,,,, horay for toyota for making the computer accurate.....
Just drove home from the last fill up, 62.5 mpg on Eco mode in town! Love this car! Also hwy driving 70-80 mph 46-47 mpg
James, thanks for your post. It nice that the mpg gauge in the Prius C is accurate, mine is off about 3.5 miles over stating consistently for over 68,000 miles. I got a feeling the the Prius C will do a lot better than the epa mpg of 50.
My first hundred miles or so was mostly highway miles. This weekend I was doing more city driving and getting 60 in town is pretty standard... even up to 70 with the right traffic. Here is my trip odometer that was set when I got the car.
Correct me if I am wrong. For the 350 something miles you are getting around 50 MPG...right? And that is what the car display is saying so in reality you might be getting lower than that??