Yeah ... I call it 'The Prius' ..... it looks like every other 2010 Winter Grey Prius on the road. REV
Too lazy to link my pic from the newbie forum. Ginny took over for my beloved Althea (I can't bear to say she's been replaced) and sits next to her big sister Zooey. The Carmax appraiser asked if my car had a name, and while most people seem to think it's weird to name cars, he told me most people do it. The tint looks great on Halford. I keep flipflopping if I want to get it done. Ginny has a small rear window where yours seems to be blacked out. I take it that you didn't do that yourself?
No offense to those who do name their cars, but the practice seems a bit over the top. It's just a set of wheels, LOL.
I didn't name either my 2001 or 2004 Prius but when I got my Chevy Volt the OnStar telematics wanted me to give it a nickname in place of using a VIN to identify the car in the iPhone app, website, or in the monthly efficiency and maintenance status report I get via email. I named it Arthur Dent, after the character in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book series, since it is the 42nd Volt off of the production factory assembly line. Does the Toyota/Lexus Safety Connect telematics stuff in the advanced trim PiP and other cars also ask for a car nickname? I can see this becoming common when there are multiple cars under the same household ownership.
I call mine "My Car". My wife knows exactly which vehicle we'll be taking if I say we are taking my car. Funny thing, is that the same name she calls her van (my car). We keep it simple like that.
I didn't name it but my wife did. She calls it The Princess because of the way that I take care of it.
Yeah, I had the tint done professionally. I have a kick a$$ tint guy. He's inexpensive and quick. The first thing I do after buying a new car is take it to Danny the tint guy. Anybody who lives in the OC area and needs a tint guy let me know, I will PM you his info. As far as naming your car being a little weird's also a little weird to be posting on a Prius Message I guess we're all a "litttle weird" in our own special way. P.S. Halford is the lead singer of the first band that came out of my Ipod and through my Prius speakers.
LOL I hear you. I have some choice words for my car too for those rattles. This is actually the first car that has disappointed me (rattles wise)enough to not earn a name.
With all the little modifications and such I feel like I am totally pimping it out like some young kid (which I am not). Therefore I have named here The Primpmobile
My wife and I both call ours Baby. Her GPS is called Hugh(Jackman), the voice program she bought sounds like him. I called my GPS the b**** because she was always so demanding and was ordering me around. The real confusion is she calls cars a he and I call them she. So Baby is a little gender confused.