Picked up my 2012 Prius 5 with ATP yesterday and when I got home from the dealer, read the owners manual cover to cover. Thought it was kind of weird that there was no information about the "Intelligent Park Assist" feature. I thought I read online somewhere that Toyota was going to do away with this feature... Anyway, I saw a video on YouTube that explains how to activate this feature... Went out to the car this morning and there is no button to activate it! It's been capped off. So, I guess Toyota has indeed nix'ed this from the ATP. Not that I would've used it.... From everything I read, it seems like it would've taken too long to use, anyway....
Yeah, it's not too practical in terms of everyday use. The HUD will do a better job at that. Awesome to have for the wow factor though.
Yeah.. I probably would've tried it out just to see how it works and then never use it again... Just shot my salesman an email.. I'm pretty sure he was unaware that they stopped this...
So you didn't bother to check the "toyota.com" web site? What the car comes with is carefully listed there.
Yeah I did. But saw the videos online about the IPA and was not really sure, especially since my salesman mentioned that they still had that option.
You're not missing much. I have it and used it maybe 3 times just to show off. As mentioned the HUD is more practical and useful. The things I like best in the AT package is the DRCC hands down and even the LKA, I do like it, beeps from time to time and all.
Thankfully, they substituted the Parking Assist with HUD. I am expecting that to be a much more used function for me. Even looking at the videos I think this is more of a gimmick than something really useful. Having to stop, press a button, drive forward, turn the wheel just so, check and adjust (if necessary) the grid pattern for where the computer thinks the space is, and then keeping your foot on the brake to ease the car in, etc, etc, etc. I would likely be out the car and on my way without it.
It's definitely a cool feature (and a wow factor for friends and colleagues). While I do like gadgets and the IPA is definitely one of those geeky things, I would probably find more use in the HUD as well (esp. since it displays nav instructions as well as the HSI so the 5" MID can be used for something else). Alas, in Canada, we got a stripped out Tech Pack for 2012. No HUD, no LED DRLs and everything else that was removed in the US too (IPA, water-repellent front glass). We never had LKA or plasmacluster to start.
It doesn't necessarily have to be that complicated if you skip the pre-support system. Pull up as normal and shift into reverse (which you have to do anyway) then just two quick buttons to press before it'll self park. Significantly faster that way.
Actually, the website is inconsistent. In the "Build your Prius" section, the expanded listing of what's included in the Advanced Technology (AY) Package shows the Advanced Parking Guidance System, even though it has been replaced by the HUD. I guess it slipped by the website administrators. As far as what the salesman said, salespeople are notorious for having inaccurate product knowledge I agree with those who think the Parking Assist is essentially a gimmick. In NYC, with traffic waiting behind you, you'd better get that thing parked and parked quick!
..btw, when I went to "build your prius" on Toyota.com, it says that the ATP has "Advance Parking Guidance System (APGS)"... So I was assuming this was the auto park feature...
Not necessarily. Remember you get HUD in place of Intelligent Parking Assist for the same price point. Owners of Canadian ATP, on the other hand, are getting shafted in price as they don't even get HUD in its place.
What hardware do you think is needed for the parking assist? I could be wrong but I think this is mostly software. While the steering isn't totally controlled by wire, there still is a software component to the steering as it exists now.
No way it's mostly software. For starters, you need the two sensors on the side of the front bumper (as well as the correct bumper skin with the holes for them) and a bunch of stuff indicated here.
The windshield needs a special coating to ensure optical clarity of the HUD in all lighting conditions so it's not just the HUD unit in the dashboard. Well we do get a big price cut of over $3,000. My guess is that they're making room for the PHV (Previously, our Tech Pack was $37,340 so a Prius PHV Advanced would definitely push it over $40,000 given that it's US$39,595. We may get a decontented Prius PHV Advanced...)