Not sure if these options are new to the 2012 model, but I have options to choose between the typical Quickest and Shortest routes to a destination, plus one that I am not familiar with from using online map sites like google maps. I believe the name of it is "Economical". My question is if Toyota (or whoever they farm out their nav software to) has an online version of this mapping tool where I could pre-plan a trip using the most Eco-friendly route. Is there a google maps plugin that will give me the same routes?
Maybe I should start with a different question: Who makes the navigation software in the Prius 2012? Garmin, TomTom, etc?
I don't know who makes the software, but after owning Garmin's for over 10 years, I can say that there is no comparison in the two. Even though Garmin is only required to give me map updates four times a year, they notify me about every 60 days of updates. It would be nice if Toyota would allow us to buy lifetime updates for our GPS's like Garmin does. That being said, if I would have had the Toyota GPS first and have had it for ten years, I would be used to it and probably would fine the Garmin GPS hard to use at first. Other than updates, I like the Toyota GPS, the only drawback was the lack of being able to program while in motion, but now I've fixed that.
Yeah, my only other GPS usage before this was on my iPhone, so it's a bit of a step backwards in friendliness, but I've been using it along with voice initiated "Favorite Home" to train myself before I need to use it to go somewhere I've never been. Back to the topic of this thread, does the Garmin have an "Eco" option in addition to Shortest and Fastest? Also, does your 2011 Prius have those 3 options? I'm wondering if that's new on the 2012s.
My Garmin 660 does have options for fastest, shortest and quickest, I believe. I leave mine in shortest mode and turn off all avoidance's.
Fastest and Quickest are the same thing. The 2012 Prius has the new setting of "Most Eco", that's the one I'm asking about.
I have no idea. Where I live, to most places that I go, in the Prius there is no difference, they all go the same route. When I'm using the Garmin, I'm on the motorcycle or in the truck, so ECO mode means nothing to me.
Good question. I'm working my way through the NAV manual to try and find out. I wonder if it tries to chose the shortest route but also one with low speeds. If I figure it out I'll report back.
I was hoping it somehow had knowledge of hills as well as speed limits. I might turn the option back on that shows all 3 routes and allows you to choose one. I had it on for a while and I know at least once it did have a different route for all 3 options. thanks for your interest in the topic! :focus:
For the Garmin folks, I found this, sounds like it adds an "Eco" option to most Garmin GPS systems: Still haven't found many details on how it actually determines which route will use "less fuel" though.
I'll mess with it this week. I know which routes are the most MPG friendly so it will be interesting to which is chooses. For my commute, I have options for freeway and rural roads along with large hills.
Anyone who has a nice big hill on one of their regular routes can maybe try this out for us. See if the eco route will take you around a hill even though it takes a minute longer or something like that. I really wish Toyota (or whoever is doing their maps) would make this available online so I could test out different routes without needing to be in my car!
How were you able to fix the navigation so it works in motion? That would be wonderful.....Please share!!
I have a 2011. I used a BeatSonic , but I see that it might not work on the 2012. Prestigious Society also sell a bypass that looks like it is compatable with the 2012 with both nav units, but it almost twice the money of the BeatSonic unit. The BeatSonic unit is "plug-n-play", I'm not sure about the Prestigious Society unit. There is also a member here that sells a bypass ( I think it's in the acc shop here ). This is not a "plug-n-play".
:focus: again, going back to the original topic after another diversion... I found a site that has these options: ViaMichelin The toll-road idea was one I had not thought of as economical, but of course if you have to stop at the tolls (don't have some sort of a prepaid pass), then that definitely wastes gas. Wonder if the Prius Nav does this, or if you have to use the actual "Avoid Tolls" option for that to be considered. Sightseeing is also an interesting idea, not sure how they get that data but I'll definitely be playing around with this web site a bit before longer trips. Here's some numbers on cross-country trips from Madison, WI to where I grew up in central valley, CA based on gas at $3.918/gal: Quick: $233.81, 30h30 (26h54 on motorways), 2033 mi (1881 mi on motorways) Short: $225.69, 37h53 (14h32), 2012 mi (1065 mi) Eco: $223.13, 41h43 (8h37), 2056 mi (598 mi) Michelin: $234.44, 30h32 (27h43), 2048 mi (1930 mi) Scenic: $279.53, 37h53 (14h32), 2012 mi (1065 mi) For comparison, here's the same route options on my car: