FWIW - I applied yesterday afternoon for the $1500 CA rebate (cvrp) and got an approval email today. I have to mail in some documentation and wait for the actual processing, but good turnaround on approval. And it says that when it's approved, the $$ are allocated so you can't get sniped. It clearly states that you cannot apply for the rebate before you purchase/pickup the car. Also others have mentioned that leasing isn't an option for the rebate. Now, if I have it right, the Federal rebate is in the form of a tax credit, yes? So I can't apply for that until I complete my 2012 taxes next year? -mark
That's correct. This is how it worked for my Leaf purchase too. Congrats on your new car! Edit: See also the posting by inventor00: http://priuschat.com/forums/toyota-...in-port-long-beach-my-order-number-168-a.html.
When you get the sticker, please post a pic of it on your bumper. NY Clean Pass stickers are sort of green already. It has the number on it too. Let's see if you get #1.
I sent in my HOV sticker application yesterday. Dianne got me my license plates in about 48 hours. I don't know how, but she did it. Thanks Dianne!
Wow, I really wish California had this design. That would look much better on my Clearwater Blue, than that ugly green thing.
No, Proof of temporary or permanent vehicle registration. A copy of the Application for New Vehicle Registration submitted by the dealer to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is acceptable proof of temporary vehicle registration if submitted within one year of sale. A copy of the sales or lease contract signed by all parties with an itemization of credits, discounts and incentives received, if applicable. For individuals, a copy of a utility or cable bill from within the last 3 months or other valid form of California residency. Other forms of valid proof include a signed, dated, and notarized rental agreement or a copy of a current DMV registration. A California driver license is not an acceptable proof of residency.
To clarify, LurkAzusa's post is showing the requirements for the California Clean Air Rebate. You don't need any license plates for getting this rebate. Now, the Green HOV sticker, on the other hand, seems to require proper title recorded and potentially license plates assigned (ie recorded but not necessarily in hand).
But if the Ca green HOV sticker is still pending Fed approval, what's the point of applying for them? You won't get anything I assume.
So that after they are approved you will get them sooner than applying for them after they are approved.
Re: the copy of the dealer application for registration and the sales contract: are these things that you have to ask the dealer for beyond the pile of paper you already get? I could make a photocopy of my signed copy of the sales contract: is that what they want?? Do I normally even get a copy of their application for registration? This has the potential for the nit-picking denials that are common for ordinary consumer rebates.
Those were all included in the pile of paperwork I got. They also gave me a copy of the DMV title application. So you should/will have everything you need.