CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY is showing on the map as North of Dutch Harbor, Ak aka Unalaska Bering Sea Crab Fishing area.
American Highway left Japan short time ago headed to Portlund, hers hoping mine is on that ship! Getting excited!
CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY Destination: PORTLAND, USA, ETA: 2012-03-02 23:00 UTC AMERICAN HIGHWAY Destination: PORTLAND, USA, ETA: 2012-03-12 06:00 UTC
Dealer says my Plug-In's vessel name is "TMC Japan". This does not match any ship names at the beginning of this thread. Any help? Thanks.
That just means it has not been assigned yet or if it has it's not in the system yet for your dealer to see. Give it time, it will change.
2nd ship bound for East Coast (NEW NADA) is off the coast of Baja, Mexico, about 6 days from the Panama Canal. SQUEE!
Yes it did and this so page 10 post 97 of this thread news. I was checking out the crab fishing sites after seeing the Conti Highway up by Dutch Harbor. CorneliaMarie | Crab Fishing Vessel on Deadliest Catch has a new write up on how to use Marine Traffic to follow your favorite crab boat. So we are not the only ones!
Marinetraffic is having server problems at the moment. Looks like they are using back up data from Sunday. Not realtime for the maps ect.
Does anyone know the next ship heading to Long Beach. My "precious" er ah Prius was built on 2-26 and Just missed the Heijin.
Pyxis is loading now and now we know where it's going. Looks like Benicia/Long Beach. Century Highway 2 follows over the weekend to Portland or East Coast. Nothing confirmed yet.
Pyxis Leader was updated this morning in the 'Pyxis Leader thread' lol:
Nope, I had no idea there was a Pyxis shipping Toyota cars as well. I've only been following the Pyxis Leader since me and my fathers car is on it. Now I know lol
JamesBurke, you're always one of the PC people with the detailed scoop on the ships. Do you have an account with Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions or another source for all the cool info? :thumb:
yes I have several. Marine Traffic is the best for the public like this website so I reference everything to that.
Some of Toyota's shipping companies. Great American Lines SUNBELT SPIRIT GALI Ship Schedule GALI Ship Particulars This ship can carry up to 6000 cars. It also has reefer decks to transport produce. Youtube video links can be found at links above.