Sorry to hear this. The Monkeemobile was pretty cool, I think Jim Wangers had a hand in that, too, with its GTO-like front end and profile.
That car is outrageous...looks like something Gerry Anderson would have made for Thunderbirds! Superb. Sad news about Davy Jones...
I was a freshman in High School, that's dating myself, when they appeared on TV, to borrow someone elses line, "What a long strange trip its been!" The Monkee's had a reunion show here in LA a couple years ago, but without Michael Nesmith, why bother!
He was a bit on the young side leaving this world. The 60's was a decade full of young people, so when one of them dies, it reminds me I'm not young anymore.
Two tons of total mobility and the longest hood in the business! Thanks for the pics!! If memory serves, parts of that car were actually from a GTO show car predating "the Judge" years, recycled. Gosh, from an automotive standpoint, I really miss those times. And Nesmith's mom invented either the post-it or liquid paper...right...?
The lead singer. For the record, Peter Tork is "playing" piano, Michael Nesmith is pretending to play guitar, and Micky Dolenz is doing god knows what with the tambourine (Micky is also the lead singer in Last Train to Clarksville above).
Michael Nesmith could actually play guitar. Towards the end of the run the band wanted to break away from the Tommy Boyce & Bobby Hart stuff and write and play their own material. They became such a pain in the nice person of Don Kirshner that after 3 years he was glad to be rid of them. They pissed him off so much, he came up with "The Archies", cartoon characters don't talk back and want to write their own tunes and actually want a piece of the huge money pie Don was diving into at their expense....
The Monkees remind me a little bit of the Wonders (or is that the Oneders?) Then again, even the Beatles were masters of merchandising, certainly John and Yoko after the band broke up. Seeing the two of them on the Dick Cavett show, selling her art and their books and the new album just about made me sick. That said, the Monkees were clearly canned art, in the best and worst sense of the phrase.
Michael Nesmith is brilliant. Search on "Elephant Parts" in YouTube sometime. I was going to link to something here, but I couldn't decide on which one, they're all so good.
I loved The Monkees. Happy memories watching The Monkees show on tv when I was a nipper. Sure it was all commercial, but in a nicer way than the boy bands of today. Or am I just getting old?