Here in south Orange County, the 2 closest dealers are not yet EVSE capable. hwell: I've seen one in Santa Monica, and over in Torance (corporate) they are up and running. Any one else find that their local dealer is up to speed yet with a charge nozzle?
I thought any dealership who accepts to take delivery of and sell a PiP had to install at minimum 1 L2 evse... Interesting, I'll have to see if my dealership had one installed already now.
The Leaf certified Nissan dealers have L2 chargers that customers can (usually) use. I would be surprised if Toyota did not do the same for the PiP launch. However, there is a big difference: EVs must charge, while the PiP can charge.
Before I bring my PiP in for an oil change (or any type of service) I am going to insist that the particular dealer charge (top off) my PiP when they are done with whatever it is that they are doing with it. None of the Toyota dealers in Minnesota are currently selling PiPs (at least until next year) so none of them will have an L2 charger setup. However, if they want my business, they better be willing to plug my car into a standard outlet (L1) now (otherwise I will go to a different dealer to service my PiP). I greatly look forward to driving in EV mode, not burning a drop of gas, on my trips to the dealer to get an oil change.
Really? Not burn a drop of gas, in MN, in the Winter? The engine is going to turn on the provide cabin heat, the PiP is not an EV, it's a hybrid, and it makes sense to burn gasoline for heat (just look at what using electric heat does to the Leafs EV range and you'll see why). I hope your expectations are not set too high, you may be in for a disappointment)
No, I definitely will be burning gas because my commute is 20+ miles each way and it does get pretty cold in Minnesota. There are, however, many months that are warm enough to drive in EV mode (especially for local trips around town) not needing heat. For me, it will be symbolic (and very satisfying), to drive in EV mode to get an oil change or even to drive to the gas station to fill up with gas.
My dealer (Vallejo) just emailed me and said they have no plans to get L2 ready - i.e. you cannot go to the dealer to get charged up, you only can get your car charged if you are getting an oil change or other type of service. Interesting, since the local Nissan Dealer, which has their charging station listed as Public charging station, said if I had the plug in prius, they would let me charge up there
The delivering dealer in Chesapeake, VA had an L2 unit in the Delivery Bay; PiP had full charge. The dealer i use for service here in GA does not have one; the service manager says "We'll get one when Toyota says we have to."