My dealer just informed me of my ship. CETUS LEADER - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9291133 - 371563000
Cetus Leader is the next ship to carry PHEVs to the west coast. PS: you guys need to get some work done and get away from this ship tracking. You are cracking me up!
haha are other brands of cars ( EU Dirty diesels ) also followed like this? i think is nice the dedication for the car
Damn Pyxis Leader is STILL moored to the side somewhere within the canal... Come on guys, people want their cars on the east coast!
The narrows from the bridge to the lake are alternating one way only. Ships need pilot boats and tugs for escort. Looks like its clearing for east bound traffic soon.
Dianne will need a vacation after this. May I suggest Maris Freighter Passenger Voyages List The Cap Tapaga, California - South Pacific Islands Aranui Freighter Cruises to Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. A South Seas cruise German style. This freighter has an indoor pool.
Dianne will need a serious amount of vikodin, scotch (Blue Label), or ice cold Vodka and olives. The vacation will come later after the last pre-order plug in rolls down my driveway. I can't leave you people amidst this crazy but wonderful time! (and I wouldn't want to!)
Maybe they are reading PC and are taunting us. Placing bets on how many aneurisms they can cause in a few hour period.
Anyone know when the Cetus Leader is due back at the Toyota port? Looks like it left the Panama Canal area 4 days ago.
Wow, that was fast! Our PiP was built on 2/23 (order 272), so I wonder if it just barely made it onboard the Cetus Leader. My dealer didn't know which ship it would be.
Cetus Leader left Tahara, Japan Feb 23, ETA in Benicia, California is 7 March - 13 day trip. From Benicia, it will go to Long Beach before going back to Japan. It should be in Long Beach around 11 March. Whenever it leaves Long Beach, it should be back in Tahara 13 days later.