I have a Gen III Prius, and I noticed that the antenna is broken; I'm talking, half way cut. To be blunt, I don't know how it happened, and I've always cared for my car (no scratches, has never broken down on me). I've been super careful with driving it around especially where I go to college. Side body moldings were worth the investment because I've seen so many dinks on other cars. So what I did to hold it in place was using scotch tape (the super sturdy kind) around it twice so it wouldn't bend backwards and break. Anyways, I'm going to a Toyota Service Center on Tuesday to fix an oil maintenance problem, so I will ask them to fix the antenna too. Does anybody know how much it will cost to replace it? I'm super worried the wind or rain will rip it off from the roof of my car when I'm driving to school tomorrow.. Got tips? Or someone with positive things to say?
Do a search, there have been many threads on Prius antenna masts. Here's one to get you started. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-audio-electronics/94392-last-word-antenna-masts.html If you are just little bit mechanically inclined it's a DIY job and not outrageously expensive.
I checked the fit of my 08 Prius antenna on the 12 Vee and they interchange and work fine. So push come to shove, find an aftermarket 08 compatible antenna like this one
I replaced my antenna with a Shark Fin antenna and no more worries and looks great. It should have came stock. I can sell you my old antenna if you really want the OEM. I have a 2012 v.
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-modifications/90527-cheap-shorty-antenna-works.html Do what I did and go to your nearest Dodge dealer and plop down $5 at the parts counter. It was $4 plus tax. I got out of there for $4.37 in TN.