As topic states, is it possible? I want to retain the JBL Factory Head Unit, but will it send the proper line level for the MS-8 to work with?
You would be best off to leave the factory JBL amp in place and use the output from it as inputs to the MS-8...rather than trying to get inputs from the factory head unit. From there you can either use the built in amplifier in the MS-8 or send clean, flat signal out to an aftermarket amplifier...which would be the best route if you want to do aftermarket speakers as well.
Thanks Geo for the information! Do think adding the MS-8 and a small self powered sub would be too much drain on the battery? Also, why do you feel it would be best to leave the factory amp intact as opposed to removing it? I thought MS-8 could do everything that the factory amp does but better?
No worries on the power from the could easily go up to 1,000 watts RMS before you need to worry. I say leave the factory amp because the factory radio sends a digital signal to the factory amp...this is all integrated with the bluetooth and navigation (voice prompts for NAV, voices over the phone, etc.). The beauty of the MS-8 is that it can take in all of the crossed-over, equalized, time-aligned processing done by the factory radio & amp and un-do it; leaving you with a clean flat signal that can then be fed to an aftermarket amp. BTW, there's not much out there that can do that. The MS-8 goes further and allows you to optimize the listening environment by doing some very powerful processing using the microphone to assess the acoustics and adjust frequency and time-alignment to you theoretically ideal image/stage/response. If your ears don't like what it does, you have the ability to custom set using the built-in equalizers (31 bands, I think.)
I have Non-JBL system - replaced all the speakers and dynamatted the doors, hooked up JBL MS-8 to JL 300.4 amp and 12 inch sub powered by Apline amp. This looks factory on the outside but.. man.. one of the best clarity system ive ever had. MS8 is the bomb
I would be interested in more details about your system. When I bought my 06 the MS8 was still being developed and developed and developed. Now that I'm about to get a new basic PIP I'm thinking about using a MS8. Did you do the install yourself ? What other components did you choose ? Any issues along the way ? Thanks, Ken
I sent the MS-8 back. Trying to reproduce what the Gen III JBL amp could do, just screwed me up. I could not re-produce the soundstage that the Gen III JBL could do. I'm a noob at this so that is probably why. I added an Infinity Basslink, however instead. Now i pound the pavement.
not trying to bring back a dead thread, but i was curious where is the ms-08 located ? i was thinking of adding another amp, and maybe a sub or a pair of new speakers in the back of my gen III ?
So how did that go? I am planning to do something like this myself but have no idea where to pull the hookups from the head unit. Any advice on that?