We have two phones paired to our v. Do we need to create an entune account for each phone or will one account work for both? Second question. Once the phones are paired to entune do we have to log on to entune each time we enter the car to use entune? I've been searching, but having trouble finding answers to my dual phone questions.
You can have up to 5 entune accounts attached to your VIN. Log in to your ENTUNE sight. You will see where you can add invites.
Re: Second question. Once the phones are paired to entune do we have to log on to entune each time we enter the car to use entune? Yes you do (at least my wife and I have to)...and I might add that our experience with Entune so far has not been too favorable.
What were some of your problems with Entune? I know for me, I am pretty sure that having my Droid do it will have interruptions due to notifications as it has just doing the bluetooth player. I am curious what other problems you are having with it.
The problem is the Entune connection is not a seemless or reliable connection with the internet to the Prius v. We expect to start the car and have everything work. That doesn't happen with the Entune connection. Here's what occurred on a recent 700 mile round trip this weekend: We wanted to see the weather (lots of rain) -Although Entune on our Droids shows WX radar just fine the Prius repeatedly can't connect and says to contact our internet provider. When it does connect it shows our location from 2 hours ago with old information. I could go on and on, but the short version is we'd like to turn on the Prius v and have all the Entune stuff work seemlessly without having to be a programmer or Geek Squad tech. Our Droids work just fine and they're pretty reliable. So why should we go through the frustration of seeing the information on our Prius v screen when we can just look at our phones? As far as we're concerned Entune on the Prius v is more frustrating than it's worth.
Huh... I thought Entune, at this time, only supported the following: Iheartradio OpenTable MovieTickets.com Pandora and Bing... But looking on the site, I see it is suppose to do more, although was under the impression that came from XM... Will look at it again, but I can understand the frustration. I will poke at it a little when I can.
Were you in an area or areas with low 3G coverage during your trip? That would cause problems connecting to the internet.
On the ATP XM provides the weather, traffic, fuel prices, sports and stocks. On the Display Audio system, that data is fed in through the Entune app.
The issue I have is Entune works just fine on my Android but it doesn't communicate to the auto reliably. For instance when I open Entune on my phone I have no problem seeing weather, fuel prices and traffic on my phone. Sometimes the weather will show up on the display in the Prius and sometimes it will not. Traffic has never shown up. Toyota released this without working out the bugs.
FYI - According to some others, there's a software updated for the DA if that's what you have. I believe it's 1.8.4 and can be done at the dealer. Might fix some of your connection issues.
I use Entune with the ATP and an iPhone. It works quite well most of the time and I usually don't have to log in each time, although sometimes it does forget the login info (after I reboot the phone, I think). However, one big problem I have is that the phone won't connect to Entune after I stop the car and restart it shortly thereafter. It eventually times out with a "communication error" saying something about bluetooth not operating correctly. Other bluetooth functions keep working though. Rebooting the phone usually fixes this or just waiting until I drive the car later fixes it as well. I haven't been able to pin down when this happens. It might be when I shut off the car with Entune running and then turn it back on without exiting Entune on the phone. I'm still troubleshooting, but if anyone has insight into why this happens, please let me know. TIA --Dave
I've basically given up on Untuned. I constantly have to relog-in on my Samsung Infuse. If I want to use the service I have to either risk life and limb to try logging in while driving or pull over. Then the connection is SLOW if it works. With Entune activated the BT streaming to audio seems to be less consistent. I finally decided to remove the Entune app from my phone until there's an update. It sure would be nice to turn it off in the car so the Map automatically comes up on the screen rather than having to push a few butttons to get the map. The entire system seems like an early beta release.
David, You pretty much sum up our experiences with what you accurately describe as "Untuned"...which is a much better name describing it's lack of performance. However, at least from what we can see the Android with the Entune app (on the phone itself) works. The problem is it just doesn't communicate with our Prius v. We've decided that while driving it's best not to use it for safety's sake. And we strongly recommend that others avoid using it while on the road until Toyota corrects the problems. Frankly IMO, Toyota should disable this poorly functioning Entune until it is properly fixed.
I have very little problems with my entune - once I realized what was causing my problems.... 1. Lots of connection issues when first getting into the car. In my case, I was still attached to office or home WIFI and with a very weak signal. I learned when leaving the office, just turn off WIFI and bring up the Entune app - and it will connect 100% of the time. (I use pandora constantly when in the car) 2. Remember that due to memory management on your phone, Either the entune service or app may get shut down. As part of your getting in the car routine, just punch up the app. 3. Not sure what anyone is talking about logging into their account...I recall having to do that one time on the phone and one time on the head unit, selecting save password - and have not had to again. (Android) I'm looking forward to Open Table & IheartRadio and hoping to see that soon. My two wishes would be that they offer better communication and updates on the web...we are tech savy enough to handle this!
jas1178 thanks for your comment regarding the wifi interference. We noticed that if my my wife turns on Entune (on her Android) while mine is connected Entune displays a message that there is no Internet Connection (or something like that) and the Apps system fails to work. As far as I'm concerned the car's electronics/software/firmware or whatever should be able to resolve these conflicts. In the meantime I'll try turning off my wifi to see what happens.
One more thought - I have noticed if you clear all of your notifications - it kills the entune "service". On occasion, launching the app, doesn't relaunch the service. In those cases, a reboot is necessary. Haven't tried having two phones with entune that are registered to that device online at the same time. May have to see how it behaves.
Latest update- "Untune" continues to malfunction and is not reliable. Sometimes some features work and only once most features worked (I never checked Movieticket thing). Qualitative testing by me indicates that my Adroid wifi (on or not), interference with my wifes phone (in the car at the same time as mine or not) and the 3G network don't have anything to do with it. However, the one time all most features worked (in the Prius) my wife started her Entune (on her phone) and it killed the "Untune" service. The Entune on my Android works fine. The Bluetooth to phone connectivity works fine. The "Untune" usually reports "No Internet Connection" (or something like that)
In my own opinion. The dealership you purchased your vehicle w/ entune from didnt give you a proper demonstration. I do work at a dealership and know entune quite well. With the customers in my dealership have never once complained of such issues.
Jhill, let me respectfully disagree. All the walk through in the world (and I had a couple hours worth and am extremely tech savvy) will not fix buggy software and incompatibility issues. My iPhone won't connect data over Bluetooth. For it to work it MUST use USB. This is an issue for charging because the iPhone 4s is power hungry. Please before you condemn people you don't know do a google search. Entunes is marketed to work so naturally we expect to get what we paid for. W
Well, not to seem like fanboy, and to be honest, I haven't used Entune that much... JHill may also just be limited to his neck of the woods, which may or may not cover New York City. His local might not be suffering as many problems as say your location. I have not played enough with Pandora or the other features cause I am too busy driving and listening to my music via the USB stick. I will give Pandora a try on the way home. Since I live in the Santa Barbara area, which isn't a big city area, but also not a small town area either, I can see how bad it is for me. Although again, I won't be using an iPhone and I do know the bluetooth streaming has an issue with using the phone's player as the player itself gets interrupted due to notification sounds. I will have to see how it handles Pandora.