My name's Brad and my Facebook Sobriety Date is........ Sunday January 29th 2012 woohoo.... 11 days Facebook Sober!! :rockon:
does that mean you are facebookless? because I've always been facebookless and will continue down that path forever F.U.C.K. F.A.C.E.B.O.O.K ! ! !
I learned my mistakes from myspace... internet presence=ppl bound to find you/hound you I prefer to walk softly and carry a big stick
I gave up facebook years ago when I noticed that all the "cool" people were leaving (and the pool of interesting people was quickly shrinking). As LIPriusFreak said, it's basically the new myspace. I only use LinkedIn these days - for all practical purposes, social networking is really only good to get a job.
Same here PC is as far as I venture into having an online presence. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I've been involved in various online communities/social media (as they call it nowadays) for only 31 years.
i blocked it in my router after that i get a message when i try to visit a site where facebook is used did you now that not beeing logged in to facebook or not even having a facebook account will stil tell facebook what things U visit al those facebook and i like logos on sites dont come from the site no they come directly from facebook facebook then logs the IP and that you visited site a.. or site b or site c and they can still track you browsing. when your in a home with 1 ip from your internet connection then things wil mess up but still they have a track record of al that IP is browsing to. so i blocked it. only problem is some times i can no longer visit a site that got a facebook logo on it! because that is a direct link to facebook the router blocks that connection and so also that compleet site. so you have seen them come and go 31 years was internet that widely used already back then? ending of the 80 starting of the 90e you see PC that are useful for internet forums and messaging. email groups etc. so i would say no more then ~20 years. BBS before that was way to small to really call social media
I didn't say Internet Only. Early to mid 80s: A mainframe that was connected to several local colleges. Had email, real-time chat. Both of which I used extensively. Made several friends who I knew online long before I met them in person, many whom are still friends to this day (only now we chat via Facebook instead of a monochrome monitor). Mid 80s to Early 90s: You're right, BBSs. And they didn't even have the (stupid, imho) expression "social media" then (which is why I said "Online communities"). One of the BBSes did connect to ARPAnet (later renamed The Internet), but I mostly used that to read news. But it was definitely a community, not unlike PriusChat and we even had Real Life meetups. And yes, I've seen them come and go. Hell, I even remember Friendster (which I never belonged to).
yes ok but social media in a big scale world wide connected is something that started in the 90s veverything before that is a small scale to me is not social media but just being social with friends on s small scale liek you say "communities" not the social media we now today and talk about.
"Social Media" is a buzzword that will be forgotten in five years. Online Communities have been around long before the World Wide Web was a gleam in Tim Berners-Lee's eye. I have no use for Twitter, nobody uses Google+, and the flavor of the month (this month: Pinterest) will soon be heaped on the pile with the MySpaces of the world. However, Online Communities will be around forever (hey, I'm using one RIGHT NOW even as I type! It's called PriusChat. You may have heard of it).
My sister got summoned to a trial as a witness and one of the lawyers entered a list of all her Facebook friends as evidence in the court case. She decided to be done Facebook now.
I kicked FB about 5 months ago. I'd been on/off for about 3 months prior to that. I read an article somewhere that like 80% of Twitter stuff was useless babble, and when the whittled out the rest, it was like 1% that was actually useful information. FB ended up being the same way, and I realized that there was nothing of any importance being posted for quite awhile. The hardest part is the first 2 - 3 weeks, especially when you have the app staring at you on a smart phone. I've yet to join Twitter, G+, etc. And at this point, I have no intentions to. You'll feel great when you finally get to the point when you realize that you don't HAVE to look to see what everyone else is saying. If it's really an important thing, you would hope that person would be smart enough to actually tell you the news.