Hello all, I've been reading through informative posts on this wonderful forum and finally took the plunge to purchase a 2005 Prius. It's been an awesome car and very enjoyable to drive. Looking forward to keep learning about Prius and chat with members of this forum.
Thank you bisco, V8Cobrakid and Ananda13 for the warm welcome. I just finished reading the manuals, getting new tires and replacing the 12V battery. Is there any suggestions/tips for cleaning the interior? It has the fabric material and has stains from dirt and crayon marks. Is 303 product the best to use? Thanks.
Welcome aboard, strawberry! Great to have another Prius owner here. Before you pay for any repair over $200, check with the experts here first, they'll help you make sure you're getting the correct repairs at fair prices.
Congratulations on your Prius purchase! One of the most maintenance free cars I've ever owned. Change the Oil, Filters, Tires and clean it once in a while...that about covers it. I keep a small spiral notebook in the glove and have been recording any maintenance items by date as they occur so I have a record of what/when/where/$$ etc..... Cleaning the seats....! Start with Water (some peeps use club soda...it bubbles!) and a few white towels to draw the stains out. Blot....don't rub...re-saturate with club soda (don't be shy...saturate).....then blot again ..... let it air dry! Presto...! needs something more aggressive...you might make a weak paste with some tide and water.