I visited 3 local installers here in the Denver area. The first two wanted around $850-$900 for the "deluxe" package (includes the entire front bumper, 12" of the hood, sides of the fenders, back of the mirrors, door-cups, & front headlights). Both said that the cost is at the high end of the package price because the Prius bumper is fairly large and needs more protective film than other, smaller bumpers. Anyway, the last installer I contacted is the one I used. He...was...awesome. He has years of experience and really made me feel like he knew what he was talking about. He doesn't have his own shop - he will meet you at a local body shop near your home or work. That is how he keeps his costs low - very little overhead when you don't have your own shop. Plus, he had a 10% off coupon on his website. To make a long story short, the install was extremely professional and looks fantastic. I only did 18" on the hood (so you can definitely see a line on the WGM color), but he wrapped the edges of the hood, which the other installers were not going to do. I feel like I got a really good deal. If anyone in Denver wants a referral, let me know and I'll PM you his info.
That's actually part of the mindset that perpetuates tailgating. Someone "cuts you off", in other words, gets in front of you, so what? The sooner you let go of that territory in front of you, the sooner your blood pressure goes down. Bunched up traffic is bad for our collective mileage, causes much more slowing down and speeding up. When enough people start leaving spaces in front of them, traffic moves more smoothly, and any residual lane jumpers stand out like a sore thumb, to the boys in blue.
I certainly won't ride their behinder. It sucks to have a nice car and some a-hole cuts you off which many times will get crap flying off the road at my car A couple rental Prii ago a big truck went by the other way on a two lane road and low and behold a rock flew up and dinged the rental's windshield No fun getting a car mucked up with road debris. Almost better to drive late night all alone but then the 4 legged critters are out there ready to play chicken Mike
Overloaded trucks (going in either direction) or pickups with a bit of debris and tailgate down, both bad news. How about unflagged road construction? My wife drove off (and that's the operative word) a road construction cut without flags or any sort of warning. Almost damage the rims, did scrape up the underside of front bumper. Of course the road crew adopted "best defence is offence mode". When she went by the other direction later they had it all smoothed and ramped...
No doubt Almost worth owning a beater Prii just for a daily driver and keep the nice one in the garage Mike :tea:
Denise & I already talked about buying a used 2nd Gen for a winter and summer go anywhere vehicle. Right now I drive my SUV but dang it is a thirsty bugger My new Prii is going to be my summer only driver. It will mostly sit all pretty like in our garage Occasional road trips to hamfests and for heading out picking. Mike
In retrospect I should have had the bonnet done in the plastic coat, I have a bottle pf touch up paint, I find I use it a little too often. I can't help it, it's addictive! I crave a clean ding free car!
In retrospect I should have had the bonnet done in the plastic coat. I have a bottle of touch up paint, I find I use it a little too often. I can't help it, it's addictive! I crave a clean ding free car!
yes stone chips are a problem and that goes for any car. your aluminum hood means softer metal, easier to dent, more likely that paint will chip. a coating will help for sure.
Yes, stone chips are definitely a problem. It is not only the Prius though but any car with a hood that slopes the way the Prius does. I do not have clear bra and have half a dozen white spots on my Winter Gray hood from stone chips. My wife's 2007 Honda Accord has the same problem.
Is there a specific color or colors that seem to chip easier than the others? Which colors seem to hide touch ups better and which are ugly once touched up? Mike
Blizzard Pearl is most difficult to touch up, but other than that there's not a specific color that touch up better or is more susceptible to chipping. Dark paints have white primer and light-colored paints have black primer so you can't win either way.
Well that stinks I really like red but after seeing a red Prius with chips and that white primer underneath, I said no way on that color. Now to hear about the primer colors on the others, well I guess I don't have a choice now. BP looks damn nice when clean and I have never had a pearl coat car so BP is the choice, I think Mike