Hi team, Thanks for all the information thus far; I'm now the proud owner of a new 2011 Prius II! (If you're looking in SoCal, PM me and I'll fwd details). I drove it off the lot yesterday with 10 miles on it. A question though for those with experience driving these - something about the car seems a bit "off" when it comes to steering - the car seems to wobble a bit around 50mph+, and when I compare the steering to a friend's 2010 Prius III mine definitely strikes me as a lot "looser." Is this to be expected as natural differences from car-to-car, a break-in period, or something I should be concerned about to take back to the dealer? Thoughts?
Yeah, if it happens all the time at highway speeds just take the car back to the dealer for them to look at and see for themselves. Surely it shouldn't be wobbling at 50mph.
Have you checked the tire pressure? I've noticed small differences in steering feel at times, depending on the tire pressure. The Prius' EPS also seems to provide different feel at times, not sure why.
I have a 2011 II no issue at all. The steering wheel is solid at any speed limit. Are those stock tires? Tire could be out of round? Has the car sat on the lot long? If different then look into how they were mounted. Maybe lost rim weight. Dealer might rotate the tires around and see if that helps. Check for a bent rim. Mark each tire with a pen for a base line and have them find which one is the problem. If the tires are stock and rotating them around does not help then maybe axles. Does it stop the wobble when at 50mph-ish you remove your foot off the gas pedal, coasting around 50mph? Then axles, maybe? my2cents.