I also think the plastic is easily scuffed. I baby my car but I still manage to find two marks on the steering wheel (the flat centre part). As much I wanna spit polish it, it's not going away.
Coming from a Gen II I can say that the Gen III is way better. I know it may seem like the interior is "cheap" but these materials are designed for light weight. Remember the Prii is designed for high MPG's. I love this car and I know everyone will have their own opinions as to what they want. Before I decided to move on up, I spent a few months looking the car over. I also was on this forum seeing what the current Gen III owners had to say. I baby my car to death and my wife hates it but I love how well she cleans up. When I do use the car to transport a load, I'll put some blankets down. I'm trying to keep her as new as can be. Buying a car is a huge investment and you should always take your time to be sure you're going to love it for at least a few years. Oh and before I forget, I use a terry cloth and squeegee to clean the front windshield.
To those who feel the armrests are too low, do you have your seat up high? My seats are as low as they go and I find both armrests perfect. I tend to use the centre armrest more. I'm 5'11.
I just bought one, so far only thing I can't stand is the rear window. Otherwise, one day in and I love it.
After all, the name of this link is WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT YOUR PRIUS? Vehicles are improved by us expressing our dissatisfaction about some features or design. I don't think anyones passion is elevated to the word HATE. That passion could be used to describe feelings towards some dealers and distributors perhaps. If it makes you feel any better, I think the Prius lll brakes are excellent.
I have 5,000 plus miles on my silver 2011 Prius (oct 2011) and I have been getting a dark streek down from the driver side front door handle. Could be oil from the handle, cleans up easy enough but I do not like it.
The ONLY thing that I don't like about the Prius....is that it is made in Japan instead of Indiana, Ohio, Canada, or anywhere else in the States.
Omg, is that what that is!? Oil? I have it too lately and I figured it was just dirt because I needed to get my car washed. Since my Prius is silver, I can really see it. My car has close to 9k miles on it. Wow, if it's oil, I am NOT happy!
I wish the two arrow buttons that control Mode on the steering wheel were switched to control changing the radio stations. This would be HUGE for XM users!!!
When I hit the mode button it changes the bands, then when I hit the up and down arrows, it changes the programmed stations.
Heated side mirrors! I've grown really used to these on my Navigator. The Prius side mirrors seem to fog up in a second and stay that way.
I just got my 2011 last night. The first thing I noted at delivery was when the car salesman showed me the hidden storage between the spare and flat lid I thought, Wth I want that room I have nothing 4 inches thick I want to hide. I am coming from a Volvo SUV with all room in the world to spare and am a bit spoiled about it. I remember back in the day or like my 66 Mustang, there was no interior trunk trim, they used every inch. I may remove that lid completely and put it into storage.
I'm really dissappointed with the Homelink automatic mirror on my 2010 Five. Most of the time while driving at night, the mirror is extremely slow to respond to approaching headlights from behind causing lots of blinding glare in my eyes. I'm sure that it's mailny due to the spoiler on the rear hatch partially blocking the light sensor on the mirror. I wish that there were either a sensitivity adjustment or a built in flipper on the mirror to make it work like a manual day/night mirror.
You know they could have put those little defrost icons on the mirrors. Wow, I'm glad I posted here. Another feature that my salesman didn't know about.
lol. Honda does that but Toyota doesn't. I guess they figure if your mirrors are fogged, so are your windows (not necessarily the case especially if you enter an underground parkade. The mirrors fog up very quickly). Yeah it's the spoiler. It works wonderfully well in the Camry. On the Gen 2, we could flip the mirror upside down so that the sensor is above the spoiler. There's no clearance on the Gen 3 to flip the mirror =(.
I have had the car for three weeks, overall I am happy with the car and the mileage. But for a car with a high tech feel, it is really lacking in technology. My pet peeves are: The wind noise around the windows. The road noise from under the car. The radio is really lame for 2011.