The northern lights display was cool but even more amazing was the lightening strikes and just how many... Cool video.
That settles, it, build the moon colony, pay the miners $0.10/hour, and threaten to cut off their air if they don't like it.
I love to fly at night and try to identify what's below. My mind kept screaming, Where is this? Isn't that Chicago? etc... I wish that there was location data... . . . . . . Say, along the lower border.
There are space storms full of nuclei that can pass through a dozen feet of lead. What protects us on earth is the magnetic field. And what protects our current astronauts is luck in avoiding those storms. There was at least one moon mission where the astronauts experienced light flashes, probably due to such nuclei bombardment. A magnet big enough to provide protection seems impossible. When I was in grammar school, I remember asking what was in the space between stars. The answer was "nothing, it's just space". Wrong. Until we solve the space storm problem, we're not likely to survive a trip to mars or colonize the moon.
Were the stars on the video actually stars visible because of time lapse or were they added later by cgi? I think Richard Branson is onto a winner with his Virgin Galactic. Who wouldn't want to see that view shown in the video above? Our ancestors were amazed at flights in an aeroplane, as I would be in a flight in space. It's out of my reach financially but how many people would pay $200,000 for the flight if they can afford it? I bet lots. Your memories would stay with you a lifetime. Welcome | Virgin Galactic [ame=""]Virgin Galactic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I do the same thing! I agree, some sort of location data would be nice, but the darn video moves so fast you'd have to be a speed reader to catch it in time. I was on a flight a few years ago, where someone across the aisle had a GPS accessory on his laptop and was tracking the flight path & speed during the flight. He did obey the attendants, and didn't turn it on until told it was OK and put it away when told to. I keep looking over to see his screen. Pretty cool, and something I might do if I actually traveled with my laptop.