Situation: getting to know my '08 Prius (it has the smart key system). Today's task was to plug my scangauge into the OBD II plug and set it up on my dash somewhere. Anyhow, I realized that the following light would flash every 3 or so seconds: Its an orange/amber icon of a car with a horizontal key. It flashes once every three seconds or so. With the smart key on my person, the car starts as per normal and the light goes away. When I turn things off and leave the car, along with the normal red alarm blinker, I have this second blinker that I'm sure I never noticed before...... Never noticed it before, wondering what I have done/botched up by connecting a scangauge tool to the system....... I've looked in the owners manual, my Bentleys shop manual and my on-line shop manual with no answers. Any ideas? Thanks Cheers Mike
Hey navguy12: That happened to me once when my wife asked me to check something out and I drove the car without the smart key on me! I believe it was flashing when my fob batteries got week. It beeps at you as well when the fob batteries get weak as well? You will get someone with more knowledge chiming in soon! Cheers: Hal
It's normal, shows that the engine immobilizer is working when car is OFF. It's somewhere in the Owners' Manual.
Thanks! I found it under "Immobilizer system" "Vehicle with smart key system: The indicator light flashes after the "POWER" switch has been turned OFF to indicate that the system is operating." That solves that mystery! Cheers Mike