I am just wondering if anyone encountered any issues with Absinthe?? I've read online about plenty of iphones becoming bricks... I know on the older iphones jailbreaking was never an issue and I'm not looking to turn my $800 iphone 4S into a paperweight.
Why would you want to jailbreak it? What would you gain. I have a 4S, love it much more than the Droid it replaced!
If I recall correctly the Iphone 4S was jailbreakable until a certain BIOS update. After that you could only unlock. There is probably a workaround now. But when I unlocked my 4S last month I put it on Prepay through ATT for $50/mo unlimited, but had to pay separately for data. I would probably put it on another carrier that included data if I were to turn it back on.
I had my iPhone 3GS and later the 4 jailbroken at one time or another. But with unlimited data on both the iPhone and iPad, I just can't see the reason any more. At least not in my situation. My iPad was on IOS 5 so it was a tethered jailbreak which was a pain.
so I jailbroke...everything went smooth. the problems now are software incompatibility with iOS5 (not apple software, jailbreak software) oh well......