I generally have no problem buying used Toyota starting 100K miles. But for 450K mile, I will have a second thought. Even if all consumption parts are brand new, the metal frame will be rock hard after so much driving. Not to mention all the bearings, "transmission" and engine wear, HV battery replacement in future... I would value this car at $3000 max technically. Sure someone will add $2000 premium for the bragging rights of being a half million miles car!
You can find a 200K gen 2 Prius for less than $7000 now. Couple of weeks ago, I saw a private party sale for a 2005 Prius with 190K asking for $5000. That's like saying, for next 250K miles, you don't have to worry about engine, HV Battery, trans... which you can't say the same to 2 fas Prius.
I think the 06-09 gen II holds more value than the 04-05's simply because of the design revisions. still even at $5-$7k his 09 really is a deal assuming it still has any life left in it lol but
UPDATE: 2012 Prius V Gas Testing Day 1 of 5 Day 1 Gas that came with car, plus dealer put about 5 gals of Chevron Plus 89. I was with him, this was not a gas station, it was a place for i guess big companies. So i asked him to use 89. I also on second fill used 89 Amoco BP. Total over 600 miles 49 mpg. Day 2 of 5 Day 2 Filled up with BP 87. Second fill in Valdosta, GA , gas is 20 cents cheaper, with 87 BP Amoco. Total over 600 mles 48.7 mpg (this also included 30 miles of Wifey driving.) Side note: 2009 Prius on avg would only let me use about 7 gals at a time, keep in mind I also did not want to run out of gas or trust the Pip bars. 2012 Prius lets u know how many miles u have left, which also allows me to drive farther, with a little more accuracy. Overall very impressed. More room same gas mileage.
2 fas Glad you coming back with great report. I am surprised you get such high mpg with v. Did you do anything such as pump up the tire pressure to 44/42?
The tires rated on the v are limited at 40. I did however put the pressure at 40, after the 2nd day of driving. Does it make a difference, cant tell, did I feel a difference, when I first did it, yes. Still getting great gas mileage. This is with 89 amoco. I am at 50.3 at 450 miles. Im on my way to miami, will put about 400 pounds in her excluding my self at 200 this will be my last mileage update. Keep u posted.
Looks like you will even get more mpg after you quickly break in the new car in a week or two. Looking at 53 mpg in future!
I'm sure it's very important for you. Gen 3+ there's no bladder so it's pretty predictable. In my experience with my 2010 distance to empty 0 is still a bit under 10 gallons so there should be about 2 gallons left in the 11.9 gallon tank. DTE 0 should mean you'll fill up at the next reasonable opportunity, but there's no rush and, as you note, no need to hedge.
I started a Prius v 100,000 Mile Club thread so 2 fas can post there. He should reach 100,000 miles in about 6 months.
check out the video in this.. the guy crossed a million miles in his 1990 accord and i think he got a new accord for free... https://www.facebook.com/Honda?sk=app_227510203942577
Just to let u know, I called Toyota on 3 seperate occasions. 1st when I had about 375000, they said they was not interested. 2nd when I broke the undisputed record of 435000 on original batteries. 3rd was around 460000 I believe, again they were not interested. So I did what I taught was best for me. The Prius V exceeded my expectations, and I am glad I bought it. Same gas mileage and bigger space.
2 fas 4 U, Don't feel too bad. You got $5000 for the trade in, that sounds to me like $2-3K bonus. If you count the low rate you got, that's another $2000 maybe... I am sure the dealer had a plan in their mind when they gave you such a great package deal on V. I don't think they will sell it for $5000. Most likely, they will put in show room with a big sign: "460K and still going strong!" Check it out when you have time, and let us know...
FWIW, On www.acuralegend.org we have a guy, Tyson who recently broke 500k on his 1994 Acura Legend Coupe, all original head gaskets, engine, tranny, suspension. Every single maintenance record since day 1. Acura gave him a HUGE ceremony, Had the CEO's come out, shake his hand, gave a big speech, etc.. He didn't get a new Acura, but rather a years worth of service FREE at his local acura dealer of choice but a random goodie bag of acura stuff. (At the rate he drives, thats a LOT of oil changes, a tranny fluid flush, coolant flush and timing belt/water pump replacement..and maybe even some suspension component replacement since he's on 1994 parts.) It really all boils down to how much the manufacturer cares. No one has ever hit 500k on an Acura Legend, much less on everything being original.
UPDATE: Went by the dealer on my way home. I saw my baby in the corner all by herself, with pollen all over her. Spoke to one of the salesmen, and he informed me that she had been SOLD. She was being shipped in country, dont know what state. He did tell me that for the last couple of days she was the talk of the town, displayed in front of the dealership. Anyway's dont know how much, dont know who, I can only hope she brings them great joy as she did me.
I have had something of a change of opinion -- Getting $5k for a 450k mile car is outrageous Since 2Fas received an excellent loan APR, the only point one might argue about is his agreement to pay msrp on the new car. I doubt the car is selling for much under $1000 msrp to the toughest negotiators out there, so 2Fas got a hell of a deal no matter how things are sliced. Stay tuned ... Will 2Fas find his new car lasts 500k miles ? Can he pay it off by the time it needs replacement ? Fingers crossed
Thanks for the update. We'll only need to wait 3 more years. I think $5k for 465k miles is a bargain if you want it as a collector piece.