When you see them in the lot -- they all blend together .... not much difference. I also did not notice any difference in the seat comfort. The pricing and packaging for the three model will make it more competitive.
Others correct if wrong, but all 15" wheels come painted Black from factory. I'll eat crow if it's not the same 15", just black.
7 is the new 8. About the Ratings | Green Vehicle Guide | US EPA If you compare 2010 with 2011 you can see that they added Bin1 PZEV at 9 and pushed the others down 1 rank.
Wow, and I'm feeling guilty for contemplating a new Prius with an '06 CR-V with only 44,858 miles that doesn't need replacing.
I disagree. It's the single biggest cosmetic improvement made to the Gen III, at least on the lower trims.
They do look like the old wheels, but just black. Not for me. The wheels look really small when they are black. I prefer the silver wheels instead...that's just me though.
Does new front face look nicer for anyone? <--- 2010-11 Old look like <--- new 2012 look like.. just my opinion.... sorry for the 12's owners....
Are the rear tail lights still LED for 2012? For some reason they remind me of aftermarket tail lights.
Yes, those LEDs are new look. I saw some aftermarket offer similar ones, but I like my '11 dummy tail lights.
Trust me, they are truly cheesy. It goes hand in hand with the rice rocket racers, seriously cheap. Can't wait to upgrade mine, or sell which ever comes first.
I am digging the new front...would like to see it on a BP. However I do not like the new tail lights.