The Prius C isn't on sale yet!! March can't come fast enough. It's almost giving me panic attacks! (not really) *ahem* So yes, my introduction. My name is Eric, I'm 19 (yes really), I live in Bordentown, New Jersey, USA, and I plan on buying my first new car in March, the lovey Prius C. I currently drive a 1983 Chevrolet Malibu station wagon (give me some credit here, it was free, and I manage to get 23 mpg from a 350ci V8) that has been my loyal and faithful companion for the last couple years, but it's time she gets put out to pasture. She's done a good job. I have what has been called an unhealthy obession with hybrids. (and cover songs, Mountain Dew, and dogs in sweaters, but we'll save that for an off topic conversation later) My freshman year of highschool I had a picture of one of the orgininal Honda Insights in my locker. When I came across the Prius C and it's reasonable asking price, I knew I had to get one. It's sexy looking, practical, obviously gets great mileage, and unlike my current car has heat AND a/c! I don't know how I'm gonna handle having power windows. This is all so new and exciting. Some random other things about me; I'm a musician, I love my dog more then most people, have a good job at a health food store, and completely believe life should be lived shoeless. Well that's my introduction. Attached is a picture of my battle wagon. Sorry if the picture is huge, I have no idea what size my phone takes pictures in, OR how to change it. (If anybody else has an iPhone and knows, help is appreciated.)
good luck prepare yourselfs for high mpg and less brakedowns ;-) hope you can handle that after those years in your gas guzler... good luck btw for a free and old car its still looks good... i better not ask for closeups?
You should use the money to put some windows in that house of yours. (just kidding). I hope you get the new Prius C and I know you will enjoy it. I am thinking of trading in my 2010 Prius on the new C
Welcome to PriusChat! If you're getting 23mpg in the Malibu I expect you'll do extremely well in the Prius c as you're very likely well-versed in maintaining momentum and avoiding excessive acceleration. There are several of us existing Prius owners here who are excited about the c. Part of it is because of people like you! The lower price means younger people, who are typically more enthusiastic about hybrids, will be more likely to afford to buy and insure it. The other reason for our enthusiasm is that we want one! In my case I'm hoping for improved rear and rear-side visibility and a normal mode that's close to Power mode in the Prius liftback so that my wife would be happy to commute in one. Then we could replace her Civic with the c and have a pair of efficient but different options for our shared miles. (And, longer term, if she has a c that we can share I could commute in a LEAF or other BEV. ) I'll drag my wife to take a c for a test drive as soon as I can in March!
ok wel maybe thats because the way you drive her ( no sexual intent ) taking it slow and easy. when you race a car it wil breakdown a lot faster. far away becasue closeup will be scary?
Good for you, Eric! I drove a Ford LTD station wagon through the bulk of high school. It builds character or at least that's what my therapist tells me. ;-) I will tell you this: if you can parallel park that land barge you're going to have a blast in the c.
I took my driving test in a white Ford LTD station wagon. Parallel parking and Y turns in that whale required advanced geometry and a ground guide. Of course, it trained me well for the time I spent in the Army. The HumVee was even worse.
Welcome to the site. That is a nice battlewagon & I bet you can stuff a small mattress in there? Very roomy! Here is part of the Japanese pamphlet for the prototype Prius C.
Hey! I find your youthful enthusiasm very tiring! But good for you. You're exactly the buyer Toyota want's to reach and sell vehicles to for the rest of your life. Please excuse my downer attitude, but now when I purchase a car? I spend a few seconds privately contemplating what it would be like to have a life ending heart attack behind the wheel. We need a new generation of owners, with passion for the product. I can't do it anymore. Now you'll excuse me as I put on my shoes, and head for McDonalds for a Big Mac.
What you need to do is go to Taco bell, where the food is pre-chewed so you don't burn any calories consuming it.
Now now, I've only blown out one window, and I don't even have that particular 5,000 watt amphead anymore. I think. Having to drive from D.C. to Trenton, NJ with 3/4 of a tank and $20 in your pocket teaches you how to be extremely resourceful in your fuel savings, and quickly. Close up reveals the faded/missing paint, dents, thousands of scratches, and rust. :/ I took my driving test in a 1973 Caprice convertible. Parallel parking that was the difficult task. The Malibu is significantly smaller. XD
Got the chance to see and experience the Prius C at the auto show today. Not impressed with the interior, and as a 6'4" tall guy, not all to thrilled with the seating position. Don't understand how I can be comfortable in a Yaris but not this.\ Oh well. Full sized Prius for me.