Cops: Man ate cat, used tail as necklace - US news - Crime & courts - While some might do this in the survival mode, I think this was an instance of being disturbed instead.
What gave it away? The cat tail necklace, the face paint or the intestines draped over his shoulders? I suspect that if the guy had just been homeless and hungry and ate a cat or a rat or whatever, they would have left him alone (maybe pointed him to a shelter or helped him get a safer food source).
This is just WRONG in so many ways! Life in general really seems to be on a severe slide downhill, and I for one can not see any sane fixes! On a side note, New York City has been declared the "RUDEST" city in the United States! H'mmm
I'm from NYC, and I will agree with that. The sad part of this story is that the man felt he had to do this. There were probably a lot of complications involved with him, but nobody should ever go hungary in this country. Mentally unstable or not.In that environment, the cat was probably also starving, so he helped the cat and himself. Hopefully, he thanked the cat like the Indians used to do. :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
The cat gets in to the news, but the chickens and the pigs and the fish and the goats and the rabbits and the baby cows and the deer... usually don't. It's all cruelty. Since no one kills a cat to eat in America, I hope he was really hungry and had no other way to find food. Otherwise he should be monitored carefully. But I really don't think this is any worse than killing anything else for food/fashion.
If he was starving and had NO alternative then I guess it's fair enough. If he wasn't and didn't, then he's mentally ill and should seek assistance.
Definitely a side note, since this occured in Phoenix, Arizona. On a side note, Tampa has been delcared the most "STRESSED-OUT" city in the United States!.
Many people in Europe have eaten dogs, cats and rats in the 20th Century in 1939-1945 It can happen here also. My neighbor, a very nice Greek gentleman tells me as a kid he survived on dicarded lemon peels during WW II. And YES we will also do this in America if necessary. A few A Bombs can drastically change the social mores. It is not cruel to kill any animal for food. It is cruel not to kill them expeditiously. :cheer2: