Cool. Although Toyota allegedly only sold 1 gen3 Prius in China in 2010. China's love affair with the car shuns green vehicles | Environment | Was it anything to do with Industry News | Toyota rumored in talks on selling Prius III hybrid technology to China’s FAW | China Car Times - China Auto News
Green cars shunned in China? You think working for an average hourly rate of 57cents is maybe the reason only one person could affort a Prius? I just love drama journalism
if only one was sold, where the rest gone to? really hard to guess and it cannot have any connection to fixed yuan/dollar exchanged rate
Aren't the Chinese producing their own electric cars? I know the government has mandated a switch to electric cars sometime in the next 4 or 5 years, and the chinese car companies are producing cars for export as well. The energy program over there doesn't have the same kind of political resistance it has here from the big oil lobby.