As long as the car shuts them off consistently, I'm cool with using them as running lamps. Is anyone aware of an MPG or SOC impact to running them during the day? Obviously you don't care about that at night when you NEED them, but I'm wondering if a 110-130 watts of halogen has a noticeable impact on SOC during the day?
Do a search on Auto Headlights. There is an extensive thread on how to add automatic headlights to your Gen III Prius.
US Gen III do have the auto headlights sensor. It's just that Toyota disabled this feature, I guess to get more people to buy their Lexus hybrid. Don't they sell Lexus's in other countries?! I'm still confused on that one. But anyway, you basically need to put in the wires they left out to get it working again and this might involve having to remove the ENTIRE dash. I had to do it on mine, but at least I got my auto lights working. =) But putting in the wires also enables auto-dimming for your dash, i.e. you don't have to fiddle with the dash dimmer whenever its a rainy day and you need to turn your lights on. I liked that new feature more than the auto-on lights!
I must be a Luddite: I have them, and never use them. Don't trust them, don't like the 30 second delay on shut-off (dealer changeable, I know, maybe until you disconnect 12 volt), don't want people running after me in parking lots about left-on headlights, don't like the 30 seconds of drain every time I shut down, don't like standing around for 30 seconds to verify the dang things will turn off. I know the latter is obsessive, but after countless drained batteries, I'm hardwired: I cannot walk away from a car with blazing headlights.
No worries! I feel the same way about the key fob, so I guess I'm a luddite too. WRT the headlamps, I can only speak for GM, and they do a pretty good job with combining the auto headlamps and the battery conserve. When you lock the car with the remote (IIRC) the headlamps go out and the interior lamps will start to immediately dim. It's funny. I haven't turned the headlamps off at the switch on my G3 in months, and I can't remember the last time I turned the headlamps for my GM on. We adapt. There's a lengthy thread for a $50 bolt-on: I thought I also read where you can use the already installed sensor in a more home-rolled version of the same, but I can't find it with the %&#@!! search function... Yes. I know how to use the "advanced" search. I'm not that much of a Luddite...
I have the auto lights on my "v". The sensor will turn on the headlights when it gets various user controlled sensitivity settings. But, it doesn't dim the dashboard lights until it's truly almost dark outside. They dim seperately from the headlights turning on.
You can still use the AUTO setting but just press the LOCK button on the keyfob twice (or once if you've already locked using the SKS touch sensor). That will turn off the headlights. The instrument panel with automatic headlights dim according to the ambient light. If you manually run your low beams during the day, the dash won't dim because it knows it's day time (and will dim automatically if you enter a tunnel or parkade). As dusk approaches, the headlights will turn on first but the instrument panel will dim later as it gets darker.
It's in the same thread. The thread started out using a DEI 545T. Then after a few pages, it turned into how to use the factory sensor and buying a headlight stalk with Auto setting.
One of our gen3 chaps in the UK has done it and says it can be done for USA models too. Headlights In Auto - Toyota Owners Club - Toyota Forum
:welcome: By car I assume you mean gen3 prius, and auto on/off headlights feature. If you read all of the thread and references, you will find that yes it has been done. As a shortcut to a handy reference, see this...
I would like to add DRL to mine - I'm surprised it is not just programable like most newer cars. I don't drive without my headlights on. And having the auto w/HID is no problem -- Some car use the HID and other use the high beam halogen bulb at 1/2 power if it is available. Have never replace a HID bulb in any car. The auto feature is particularly nice when you have DRL -- often you see the DRL as it begins to get dark and then forget to turn the headlights on -- this is easy to do in a city with well lit streets. I have never had a problem with the auto-lights ......wish this car had them.