Although I have established a successful blue tooth connection to my iphone, the option to allow text messages to pop up in the vehicle system is dimmed. Am I missing something? as a firefighter it would be a great improvement to have sms fire/medical alerts pop up so I dont have to dig out the phone, otherwise I dont care. Do I have to have the dealer set something?
Your phone has to support the Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) for SMS/E-Mail to work. Apple doesn't support these on any of their products (mainly on Blackberry, limited Android) so it won't work for you.
any idea why my Droid2Global would not work, it has MAP and connects fine, but when i press messages it says "could not load messages" i have had text messages sent to me and it would not read them.
Probably a conflict between the implementation on the phone and the car. It's very new to a lot of phones, so there's going to be growing pains getting it to play nice with everything. That's the nature of Bluetooth. It's why you can see one phone work great and another not in the same car, etc.
I don't see the MAP blutooth Droid2Global profile on the Motorola data sheet. Check your user manual and I'll look a little more on the Internet. Oh, this link says Droid2Global has MAP. Are there multiple models of the Droid2Global? I have been seeking a list of phones with MAP for weeks now. No luck so far. I'm getting ready to ask Toyota USA.