About 20 years ago, an Austin attorney named Godwin had a law named after him after his observation any heated argument if it goes on long enough will result in one side comparing the other to Hitler or the Nazis. Israel is now considering a law jailing anyone comparing others to Nazis or negative Holocaust references. In other words, it would be illegal to invoke Godwin's Law. Israel considers jail terms for Nazi gibes - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Israel-Palestinians - msnbc.com
From an outstanding Canadian comic, Glenn Wool : My Austrian grandmother hid Jews in her basement during the war. Which, by the way, is the only time such behavior is acceptable. War over? Let them go. (after laughs) If they come back, they're yours. If not, they never were...
No need to vote. It's like the laws of Nature. I would be very mad if gravity suddenly didn't work because you voted against it.
You're just saying that CAUSE YOUR A NAZI! (Note to admins: the above was a parody of your typical Internet conversation. I wasn't seriously calling xpcman a Nazi). (Note to self: it makes me sad I have to use the above disclaimer).