im trying to get clarification about some of the benefits of the pip vs gen III prius for everyday driving. 1. 62 mph electric glide. my camry hybrid forces the engine on when i hit 42mph (like every toyota hybrid since my gen I prius). so on back roads where i should be averaging 50, im hitting the brakes down a hill going 40 if im trying to keep ice off and its just limiting. if im driving the pip, even when the ev range is done, am i right that the pip will not do this, where the gen III will? 2. all electric trips to the post office. my post office is 2 miles from my house. my camry is about warmed up by the time i get home if that's all i did. will the pip let me drive there on all electric, or is it going to wait till she's warmed up before allowing ev mode. 3. ev mode acceleration. i know the gen 3 prius has ev mode. does the pip allow more power in ev mode since the battery is 3 times larger? or is the acceleration the same, it just allows you to continue to a higher speed/longer range?
First, it's 46 mph for the gen III. Second, the early model PHV that I drove reverted back to regular gen III driving once the EV was depleted (back to HV mode). All EV baby! That's considering it's warm out. My breakfast run in August, which included a climb out of the valley at 45 mph, never caused the engine to fire up. 0 RPM on the ScanGauge the entire time. 27 kW is the max draw allowed with gen III 38 kW is the max draw allowed from PiP That alone is a major clue that you've got quite a bit more EV power available. Word from me about my pwn hill climbing experiences should be enough, but if not, just wait another 3 months for video of it. I'm looking forward to showing off that ability. .
wow. good info. how warm does it have to be for an all electric short trip? too bad they dont have a plug in prius v
If I'm remembering correctly, it's 24 kW in the gen II right? Either way, I'm fairly impressed with its electric acceleration when I have 7 or 8 green bars of charge on it and it doesn't want to run the ICE, so 38 kW seems like it'd be just a dandy amount of power! I want one! Need to find a way to afford another couple hundred a month car payment though, or win the lottery or something.