Our Prius, 2007, with 89k mileage went in yesterday for the water pump recall. I was told about 1.5 hrs, I also made an appt. and got there 30" early. I get a call about 3:30 that it is ready, but a few other things were "noticed". "oh, by the way, your wipers, engine filter, cabin filter and the engine water pump need replacing." A conversation ensued, I explained the filters and wipers were just done, I have the recpts. and a spread sheet with dates. "Oh, ok, but the water pumps is leaking." I got there and asked if they could show me, the leak. They told me that the coolant does not leak, it congeals, that is why I did not see anything in my driveway. Can anyone shed some light on the engine water pump and coolant; i.e. signs, symptoms indicating a new pump is needed. Did the dealer try to blind side me with unnecessary work? I can see someone just not knowing, especially the elderly, and agreeing to the work. Also, does it take that long to do the recall work on the pump? Thanks.
you made an appt. that should take 1.5 hours, got there 30" early and they were finished at 3:30? not sure about the water pump but at 90,000 probably not unheard of.
All you have to do is find the engine coolant pump, and look at it for any whitish or pinkish stains coming off the pump bearing and leaking onto the pulley interior. You may also see stains on the air conditioning compressor housing immediately below. It may help for you to use a flashlight. If you don't see any stains then you will know you were lied to - which would not be a big surprise since you were already asked to pay to replace new filters and wiper blades.
I may be abit slow and I do not know the configuration of the 2007 but didn't OP say he went in for the water pump recall? Doesn't that mean a change of water pump? What am I missing?
Lol...sounds like the stealership. I think the OP meant the inverter pump. Water pump is more common used by the public.
The engine water pump was a problem with mid/late 2000s Toyotas, not just the Prius. It was redesigned some time during the 2008 model year. I wouldn't use "congeal" -- it is more like it leaks out very slowly and dries on various surfaces in the engine bay, leaving behind little pink pigeon turd splotches. The leak rate is about 1 drip per mile, so it could go thousands of miles before you would actually notice.
Yes...pink turd...exactly as Seilerts says above. If you read enough posts here you know the main coolant water pump leaks on these models. BTW, just checking, I do not think issue this is mentioned in the Sticky for Gen-II maintenance, and also the EV batt fan clog issue also not in the Sticky as far as I could see. Just last week I finally searched for the pink stain (at 99.5 kmiles), and exactly per Seilerts above, I had a very pretty, pink turd. Probably very small dog size, definitely not a Retriever. As I am not under extended warranty, I do not plan to fix right away unless I have to. Think I had 2 pink turds, about this size (now on garage floor): :cheer2:
I have been having a loud noise coming from the front of my car ... thought it was from the engine.. and took it in three times. One of my friends though it was the water pump.. but the dealership told me that it was a normal noise. It is a knocking, ticking noise from the motor. I am going to look up if it has any recalls. thanks
"Ticking" is normal, particularly on a high mileage engine, especially on a cold start. "Knocking" is not normal. It could be something completely innocuous, like a twig stuck in the cooling fan. Generally speaking, the louder/deeper the noise, the more expensive the repair. It is not so hard to loosen the serpentine belt, if you want to rule out the engine water pump. Just don't forget to put it back together, because the head gasket may blow before the high temp light comes on. If possible, take a video, put it on youtube, and start a new thread with a link. You will need 5 posts before you can post a link. Reply here to get one, and reply to a few more in Fred's House of Pancakes - PriusChat Forums. It can be random gibberish -- no one will notice.
I took a look, I assume that which is on the inside of the pully might be what you mentioned. I noticed that the reservoir for the coolant has gone down some, has not reached the "fill" mark yet. Is this something that I should trust to a mechanic in the area, or go back to the $tealership? Thanks for the info.
Based upon that picture, I would say that you do not have a problem with the engine coolant pump. Also look at the AC compressor below the pulley for coolant deposits. I suggest that you buy a gallon of Toyota Super Long Life Coolant, refill the radiator coolant reservoir, and keep an eye on the level. If you don't see it dropping quickly and do not see substantially more antifreeze deposits, then don't worry.
I had another mechanic check it,he did say there was some stain and said the same, fill the reservoir and watch it,if it goes down then replace it. He did say they would have to get Toyota SLLC, even though he has something called "Global" which is supposed to be able to add to any other coolant. He called the company and they said not to add theirs to the SLLC, at least he was honest about it. So, off I go to the $tealership to get the coolant. Thanks for the replies.