Hi gang, As part of routine maintenance, my Toyota dealership replaced my cabin air filter. Does the attached photograph look like the proper size & the proper installation of the cabin air filter? I don't know anything about cabin air filters, but this looks wrong to me. It looks too small, and it's just hovering off to the side. But I could be wrong! Thanks, Scott
Without looking at mine I'm not sure but it does look like it could go over to the right a little. Just take it out and reinstall. Then number on the filter indicates that it is the correct one.
I thought there was a little cover that went in front of the filter? It's been almost 2 years since I changed mine so my memory could be failing. I did just get a replacement in the last week - just haven't gotten around to installing it.
Yes there is a cover, I thought the OP had remover it for the photo. If they left the cover off go back and get it, the airflow won't be right without it.
That doesn't look right at all. I just changed mine in my 10' Xterra. It should be a snug fit with a door to be effective, your door is on some mechanics workbench I thnk. I was amazed how dirty it was after 13,000 miles. Takes 5 minutes and save yourself lots of money changing your own. The picture looks like a Prius filter is fairly accessible for do it yourself.
There is a drawer that you pull out from that compartment. The filter media is then installed in that drawer and the drawer is inserted into the compartment. You are missing the drawer and must complain at the dealer for a replacement. Talk to the service manager. JeffD
Sorry for the confusion... I removed the cover myself for this photograph. My main question was the size and placement of the filter... it sounds like they gave me too small of a filter. In the future, I'll just so it myself. Dealers suck!! I was traveling in a different state that normal and decided -- against my better judgement -- to go to a dealer. Thanks everyone!
As I posted above, according to the number it is the correct filter. Just move it over where it belongs and put the cover back on and it should be OK.
I have an 09 so it could be different - mine sat in a plastic tray that slid in - the filter was square (perhaps 6x6) and looked was flat and looked a bit like a carbon activated water filter. When I saw your pic my first though was that the tray was lost and someone just stuck in something that sort of fit.
Yes, that is correct. The cover will center it and hold it in place. There is no tray on the Gen III. MB860 ?