Give the Gift of BASIC BASS BOOM BOTTOM END for Xmas!!! I have noticed that one of the most popular discussions on Prius Chat is improving either the JBL System or the stock radio, for ALL generations I, II, III of Prii! I personally added the powered subwoofer from Boss Audio. The Boss Audio BASS600 , a modest and relatively easy add on to improve the car sound system. To that end, I noticed today that Amazon has a great, no REALLY great price on the BOSS 800. It's the unit I installed in my "Barcelona Red Baby", and she rocks. You wont be heard 5 blocks away (Thank God, I HATE that), but will have a nice extra bit O bottom end that sounds sweet!!! Here is the link for the site... Boss Audio BASS600 8-Inch Low-Profile Amplified Subwoofer (Single): Car Electronics here is how the install came out in my car... For $89 bucks, FREE 3 Day shipping if you are Amazon Prime Member, you can't go wrong. I will even offer my sevices on install infomation to anyone who is interested in adding one to their Prius!! So print that link out, or for even a more Techno Xmas, forward the link to their Iphone etc, just make sure to give it to that significant other of yours with the word XMAS HINT in BIG RED LETTERS on it and see what happens!!! Merry Christmas and Happy all those other Holidays to ALL!!!
Would it stand up in the space above the aux battery? I tried to order but they won't ship to Australia.
Wow, it's shorter than the Kenwood SW10 that I had in my 2006, and that one fit just fine in the spare tire compartment. Hmm... might have to think about this for my 2010
You know, I tried to fix the STUPID title spelling error... when you wake up at 5am eveyday, I probably should not be starting Theads at 930 pm!!!! But some of the responses have me on the floor LOL!!! I like posts with pics!!! Ya got me, Going Red Baby!!! Jimbo, that's the beauty of this unit, you only hear it in the car, that's it. YES, I REALLY HATE HEARING BASS FROM CARS BLOCKS AWAY!!! F8L, Yes it is suposed to be BOSS AUDIO BASS 600... Patsparks, I think it would stand on the side in the back, I actualy never considered mounting it there, although it might make accessing the tire well difficult, if you make a "Quick Release" mount yeah!!! I do not know why they won't ship to downunder..... I wonder how much it would cost to ship to you. Danny, would!!! Oh well, "BOOM, Badda Boom, Badda Bing, Big Badda BOOM!!!" What movie is that line from!!!
It's when Lelu fell through Corbin Dallas' Flying Cab roof, in "The 5th Element! One of my all time favorite Bruce Willis movies!