ok so i got a prius a while back, 2005 fully loaded, navi and everything... well the door was replaced before i bought it, well here is my question... my fob works without any issues but the key inside the fob won't work on the door. Is this somehting that is an easy fix at the dealership? i would just like a key to be able to open the door incase my battery dies. Any and all help would be great. Thanks!
If the dealership cannot get you a key for the new door, a locksmith ought to be able to make one. If the dealership can get the key, it ought to be one that fits in the slot in the fob. Otherwise, a locksmith ought to be able to buy the blank that fits, and make the key. Ask the dealership first (costs nothing to ask) and if they cannot help, ask a locksmith. If you have a key, and your only issue is you want one that fits in the fob, that should be easy for a locksmith to do.
Some information about the lock cylinder Prius door lock might help you decide whether to go to the dealer for repairs, go to a lock smith or do it yourself.
I suggest a locksmith. You will need to procure the key blank elsewhere most likely, but at the same time that the locksmith rekeys the cylinder, you can have a standard Toyota ignition key cut in addition to the hidden fob key. Because of the shape of the fob key, it can be very difficult to get enough leverage to turn it.
A locksmith (or you) could file down the tumblers to make the current key you have work. You could use the info provided by Koolingit to accomplish this.
Rather than getting a key made for the existing lock, I'd recommend replacing the lock cylinder and keys as a matched set. One place to get it is at Toyota OEM Parts | Genuine Accessories & Toyota Original Factory Body Parts City Toyota . Drill down the menu system as follows: Toyota Genuine OEM Parts, 2005 Toyota Prius, Front door, Lock and hardware, cyl and keys, view illustration, item 18. Price is $62 MSRP, discounted to $45+shipping. Locksmith time to decode the lock and make a new key is going to be a lot more than just replacing the cylinder with matching keys.
AWESOME idea! i will be ordering this in the next couple of weeks and will do my best to take lots of pics and write a how-to. thanks for the link.