Is is possible to input address information on the navigation system of the Prius V Three when it is in motion, not in park? I heard that it is only possible when the car is in park. Thanks for your input.
Yeah, you have to use the voice commands when the car is in motion. The screen gets locked out for most functions when the car is in motion.
Thankfully, almost got side swiped by a "texter" on the I 15. Then they just look at you like "whaaaat?" when you get their attention. Our kids are out on their own now but anyone with teenagers should be lobbying to ban cell phone use while driving. Manual input while driving for Nav or text is equal to drunk driving in most studies.
I am pretty sure the vee model 3 does not have voice command on the nav system, the vee 5 does have voice command on its nav.. No it is not possible to enter address info., unless the car motion is stopped.
Glad you survived without getting hit by the texter. The other day I saw a driver on the phone run a red light. It looked like her daughter was sitting in the passenger seat as well. Yikes! I personally would not use the navigation while driving. However, I currently own a car with nav that allows address input while driving. It's convenient when on the road and my front seat passenger can input address info on the nav instead of pulling over and stopping the car to locate someplace like a restaurant, etc. But, if the voice commands work, it sounds like this would be a good alternative.
On Gen 2's nav, you could use it if you were going either <3 mph or <=3 mph. You didn't need to be stopped. Gen 2's nav did have voice command so you could enter the address by voice. I've done it numerous times.
Thanks. I'll test drive the car again to double check if the voice commands work on the vee 3. Toyota's website says that advance voice recognition is available on the vee 3 but I'm not sure if the commands can be used for navigation or perhaps just the phone.
Yes, you can enter destinations by voice on both the Display Audio (v 3 system). You can press the talk switch and say destination and the full address, i.e. "Destination 1234 Street City, State". There are more commands too. You can say "More Commands" then I think "Navigation Commands" and it will list them for you. All can be used when driving.
Might be worth mentioning that you can enter saved destinations (favorites) while the car is moving. I have a v Three BTW.
I'm eagerly waiting for Coastal to come out with a Lock Pick for the Prius V. I had the Ultimate Lockpick on on my 2010 Prius and It was great. One could input destination and more from the passenger seat of course. TOYOTA LOCKPICKS
I was mistaken in my previous post when I said I thought the vee mod 3 did not have voice recognition. It indeed does have it, and it is applicable to the bluetooth phone system and the nav. system. I spoke with a prius salesman today at the local dealer, and he verified this, and demonstrated the system on my vee 3.
My 09 Prius has the voice activated Nav but if the city or address is not a somewhat common name the Nav gets "confused" and enters a city or street that isn't even close no matter how clear I pronounce the words. Seriously makes me want to scream some times. My cell phone voice Nav works better but that defeats the purpose of having a car with factory navigation and the safety issues.
If you have an iPhone and use Entune, you can search for an address in the Bing section of the Entune app on your phone. Then connect it to the Prius and load saved destinations into the nav unit. Then you should have the new address available. It's a couple of steps, and it's annoying to have to find a workaround like this, but if you have a passenger doing it it shouldn't be too bad.
Thanks for your input. I feared this might be the case. I know that whenever I make calls to businesses with voice recognition options, the system doesn't always identify what i'm saying. At least I have the options to say operator or press 0 in these instances.