I have a 2008 Prius. Today my wife said it started driving odd and all the lights on the dash came on. When I got home, I confirmed that all the lights are on, then drove it through the neighborhood. It seemed like it was being really sluggish and you would have to give it more gas than normal to get it going. Then I can hear the battery fan blowing at what seems like full speed through the vent next to the rear passenger door. I put the car in diag mode by doing the headlight on/off trick 3 times. When I did that, the following codes are showing in the LAN Monitor EMV screen. I have no idea what any of them mean. I have been trying to look up the codes in Google, but I am having a hard time deciphering what they mean. Code Sub Code 01- DC 190- 17- 3 01- D8 190- 14- 1 01- D5 190- 27- 7 01- DB 190- 5C- F I cleared the codes hoping the lights would go off on the dash, but no luck. Can anyone help me decipher these? Thank you.
While we wait for someone who can decipher those codes, let me guess they are not themselves important. When an older Prius suddenly starts showing codes when nothing is obviously wrong, it is often because the 12 volt battery is no longer making enough juice to power the computers. Not enough power equals computers resetting randomly, generating bizarre codes that are not related to each other. Yet funamentally nothing is really wrong, you just need a new 12 battery. Sadly at 4 years, you now have an older Prius. So search on how to prove your 12 battery is low. (not scientific, before you run it in the morning, turn you Prius on ACC (without foot on brake press power twice) and try to use the power windows, are they real slow? Bingo)
Just an update. On a whim, I decided to see what would happen if I disconnected the 12V battery. So i opened the trunk and disconnected the negative cable for about 20 mins. Then I reattached it and took the car for a drive. The car is now driving fine and all the lights are off again. Jimbo, I think you may be right. I wonder if it is the 12V battery getting weak. The car has 53K miles on it, and as far as I know, it is the original 12V battery. We bought it used with 36K miles on it, so I dont know if it was replaced before.
If this happens again, do not disconnect the 12V battery. Take it to a dealership. You have described a HV battery failure. If it will go barely or not at all in reverse, that is virtually definitive. Fortunately, you are still under warranty.
It was able to move forward and in reverse just fine. It just seemed to be that instead of having 100% of the "engine" power available, it only had maybe 80% available. So I would have to press the gas down a little harder to get it up to speed in the same time as usual. Thanks for the advice. As soon as it happens again, it will be going to the dealership.
Hi btrotter, You can look up the codes here but I don't think that has anything to do with your problem. My guess is that your HV Battery may have a problem (sluggish & battery fan running at high speed). I had the similar symptom on my Gen 1. You need to read the DTC from the OBDII port, not from the EMV screen. Disconnecting the Aux. Battery may clear the code temporary, but if the problem is not fixed, most likely it will return. Vincent
After I cleared the codes through the diag screen, I connected an OBD-II scanner (MSD Dashhawk) and told it to retrieve DTC's. It came back and said there were no historical or current DTC's. I dont know if when I cleared the EMV codes, if that also clears the DTC's, or if there were none in the first place. I agree with you that if there is an actual problem, it will return soon. Thank you all for your help!
If you disconnect the 12V battery, it will clear engine and hybrid system codes. It usually will not clear ABS/VSC/brake codes. Most code readers will at least be able to pull P0A80 for replace HV battery. How has your fuel economy been lately?
You guys were right. It was the hybrid battery. The lights came back on so we took it to Toyota. They just called and said they were going to be replacing the hybrid battery under warranty. Thank you for the advice so I didnt keep tinkering with it!
2008 with a HV replacement.. ok.. one of a kind ;-) did not look at it the DTC codes for long but i see thinkgs like connection error? is the really the battery or the battery ECU?
Since your car is pretty new, I suggest you ask the service advisor to have the technician inspect the HV battery fan for a clog. But it could be a random failure too.
I have an 08 Prius with 501,800+ miles on it and just replaced the hybrid batteries for the first time. As a single mom, I couldn’t afford to have it done professionally. I wasn’t sure how to clear the codes that came up afterwards I took your advice and disconnected the 12V negative cable and it worked! Thank you so much! You saved me time and money!