I've searched, because I thought it was such a basic question, but haven't found an answer. Where is the date of manufacture for the 12V original (or possibly replacement too) YUASA battery for the Prius?
Thank you Patrick. However, the only thing I see that looks like a date code is 060209W. Is that the date code? And if it is, how do you decode it?
Thanks koolingit. I had wondered if it was YY/MM/DD since that is the convention in Japan where it was made.
According to this, and assuming a Japanese battery, it is decoded this way. Japanese and Taiwanese Coding [FONT="]1st and 2nd digit – Year[/FONT] [FONT="]3rd and 4th digits – Month[/FONT] [FONT="]5th and 6th digits – Day[/FONT] [FONT="]7th digit - Factory Code[/FONT] [FONT="]Example: 9604010 equates to 1[FONT="]st [/FONT][FONT="]April 1996[/FONT][/FONT]
I beg your grace Patrick, but I think I stated the date code correctly. Let's take the battery you purchased last January: You say the battery was manufactured on August 25 2010. Pictures you included show the box with a blue tag saying 2010. 8. 25 and the date code on top of the battery is 250810W I'm going to try to put the link here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...us-12-volt-auxiliary-battery-installer-3.html It's message 28. I hope we can agree sub3marathonman's battery was manufactured on February 6th 2009
I am appreciative of koolingit's help. But what I'm REALLY impressed with is that koolingit remembered a relatively obscure (no offense meant to Patrick ) picture that was posted over a year ago!!!
Any time Patrick speaks here, we all listen. He doesn't claim to know it all but he knows more than most of us when it comes to the Prius and he shares what he knows generously. I was having trouble with my battery at the time Patrick posted those pictures and they were a great help to me. That's where I learned the date code! Thanks again Patrick.
Found this thread after failing to figure out where the mfg date on my battery was. My date code sticker had another sticker partially covering it so I couldn't see the "W" at the end. Finally figured it out and was amazed to find that my battery is the original - 6 years old! Just ordered a new one - not taking any chances.