I live n cold weather (near chicago often times) How good is the heater in cold enviorments? How long to heat car up?
We live in upstate NY off of Lake Ontario. The engine heats up quickly and heats the cabin well. To heat the cabin quickly stay away from the Eco setting. It will cost you more fuel but does heat up more quickly and runs the engine a bit more when cold. In a mile of driving from cold we have pretty good heat.
as good as any car i have driven. but, your mpg's will decrease due to the cold weather and the engine running more.
The heat comes on fast. Putting the climate control on Auto, the fan stays off until there's some heat available, then the fan speed keeps increasing as the coolant heats up, until the cabin is warm. One reason for the fast heat: A coolant loop picks up exhaust heat.
Great photo, prj! A picture speaks a thousand words! I presume that the exhaust to coolant heat exchanger serves to warm the coolant even when cabin heating is not called for? Brilliant!
Also, by the way, is this an accurate depiction of the Gen3 exhaust components? What would be the names of the 4 "cans" in the exhaust path? I'm guessing converter1, converter2, heat exchanger, muffler, no?
We live in the foothills of the Cascades and when it was in the high 20's and low 30's it heated the car just fine. Add the heated seats and it's sweet.
Heats up quickly and keeps me warm even when driving in -25celcius temperatures. (That's really cold by the way)
Also the Prius v has 3 positive temperature coefficient electric heater elements attached to the water heater core which can provide immediate electric heat even before the engine coolant is warm enough to provide heat. From one to two to all three electric heating elements are engaged dependent on outdoor temperature, engine coolant temperature, engine speed, air mix setting, and electrical load.