My 09 prius, 28,000 mi., recently began showing all green on the highway for hours at a time without ever going blue. In town, it is green 3/4 of the time. New 12 v battery did not help. Dealer checked it out & found codes B1200, B1207, & B1271. He re-set the "gateway"ECU & cleared codes. Leaving the dealer, all was well & traction battery level performed just as it did when new. Halfway home, the meter jumped from blue to all green again & remains there. What should I expect my dealer to do for a permanent solution. Still under warranty plus the platinum extended warranty.
No swings to the pink/purple levels with this? Are you running the climate control pretty aggressively? In winter the ICE tends to run more to maintain the cabin heat and then 'spills' the extra energy produced into the battery which forces it to a higher SOC level. I would suggest a little experimenting. Turn off the climate control (max cold rather than totally off if you want to avoid fogged windows-AC off/auto-off/just low fan speed and max cold setting), then do some low speed driving about maximizing gliding and electric only driving (after the ICE has warmed up completely) and see if that doesn't bring the SOC down. Also, be sure you're not driving in B-mode (I realize that's probably silly, but it happens).
A quick perusal of google says, guess,(I kid because it's always the 12v) 12v battery is dyeing, get an optima. Weird things happen when the 12v is dying, do a search here on the forum, it's the one thing that needs to be changed in every prii, even before the first tire change.
Please test your 12 volt via the method at after the car's sat all day or overnight. Please tell us the values at each step.
that's the direction I was leaning since re-setting didn't work for long. Now to convince them to just get it done & stop messing around.
Ditto that. According to Bentley those three codes point to wire harness or ECU faults. I don't know why a dealer would resist doing some warranty (that is, paid by Toyota) work.
Good luck sinces there's no hv batt dtcs. Our 05 has signs of weak hv battery and i couldn't get Toyota corporate to let me do anything about it because there were no dtcs. The best part was I worked for Toyota then..... now were only 4k away from being outside warranty coverage. I'm sure ill have to foot the bill when it fails.
Try, building up a case by visiting them once a week, or sooner with the exact same complaint so at least it will be documented and then you can go to Toyota Corp if the HV actually fails. Is that worth $2500-$4000 ? I think so. :cheer2: PS Visit different dealers and keep records.
Normally that would be an ideal situation, a constant green battery! As Evan suggested, that is the time to go stealth, or run on battery alone, or max out the AC, to your comfort range. It just might be that you have a super efficient Prius! What is your average MPG ?