I have my 60gig hard drive installed and running Priidash so know more storage problems, and have another good run tomorrow.Wimpy if you need the files let me know and I will upload them. John.
Thanks! Let me know how it works out. A pair of the txt and csv files from a good long trip is always appreciated. By the way after a good run do you quit the program (or sleep the laptop) without hitting the Go/Stop button to stop the program? The csv file you uploaded before is missing the final summaries which is usually caused by not stopping the program first. Next time please remember to click the Go/Stop button to stop the program first. Thanks!
I believe last time when I got to my destination I forgot that my lap top was running on the Prius 12v aux socket and automatically shut the Prius down cutting of the supply to the laptop, Internal batteries have long since stopped working (12 years old lithium). Next job convert aux socket to permanently on. Will zip and upload latest files after testing them first. John.
I noticed a strange anomaly at the start of the run today, it may show up in the files. When I put the car in ready I went strait to EV mode to reverse out of my parking area I noticed the cat temps 1&2 read 375&215 C even though the temperature was around 0 C but as soon as I came out of EV and the ICE fired up the cat temps came down to air temps and began to rise normally.
Thanks for the files! Yes the cat Ts seem to stuck at previous reading until the engine comes on again. Some values are like that (they don't always update). Update: It looks like with the combination of the Windows version and a slow OBD-USB device it's getting data coming in about 1/3 as frequently as the CygWin version. In my earlier test with the same OBD-USB device the Windows version was getting data about 1/2 as frequently as the CygWin version. Still don't know why the Windows version would lose 1/2 of the data.
Interesting findings, I am looking at the possibility of modifying my OBD-USB device to run at 2,000,000 baud rate I will let you know how I get on. I also will probably have ago at the CygWin version. I do not get your logo on the windows version.
I'd like to hear about that. Which one? I just tried with my OBDLink SX, and find that I can only get data to come through at the 115200 baud rate. Still quite useful, even if the update rate is slow, as I don't think I am going to be watching continuously. Very cool program. I haven't looked at the logs yet, but I am wondering how much data is lost with these slower speeds.
so it is possible to have a elmchip and run slower then the 2mbaud? and the program stil works only with lower refresh on data? or wil the program not work when the elm is providing 115baud? edit: i am running the windows version now not yet connected to the prius but just to see if it installs.. but where do i find the log files? where i can get the HV battery voltages and Ohm that are recorded during driving?
Yes people have run with 115200 baud with ~ 1/3 data rate compared to 2M baud. Log files are in f:\OBDLog folder.
Friendly reminder: please try to ask questions in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/priidash-tm/95441-faqs-troubleshoot-need-help-ask-questions-here.html Or if you prefer just create a new thread in the PriiDash forum: PriiDash (TM) - PriusChat Forums
Priidash is a Hit for me. I was testing my WiFi OBD/DLC device using Priidash the screen indicated a potential problem with the inverter coolant pump for a 10 mile in-town trip. No codes were set as yet Prompted me to check for eddies in the tank ...none and no vibration on the cold pump. Changed out the pump now works great. ccdisce
Just wanted to post this screen shot as it illustrates the 'after screen' that I see after changing out the Inverter Coolant Pump and also to rant a bit. This issue of Inverter Coolant Pumps departing this world is what we have to look forward to and having to depend on other parts of the system screaming for relief from the heat is not optimal IMHO. Pre emptively changing out the pump may not be the answer as a number of the replacement pumps that Toyota replaced under the advisory met an 'early' demise. Toyota has 'advisory bulletined' the 2004-2007pumps out the pumps for the population who responded to the advisory and were on the affected VINs. Now going forward the 2008-2009 folks could be out of luck if they are looking for a refund. It would seem then that running Pridash3mfd to monitor the systems would be advised IMHO. ccdisce.
It would seem that the "Inverter Coolant Pump" cools more than just the Inverter. The 'after' screen shot was taken in higher OAT and gave slightly better mpg numbers. It seems to cool the Inverter, Converter, MG1, MG2 possibly through cooling the PSD Fluid through the casting and this just maybe , a tiny bit may contribute to a more efficient system and small increase in mpg readings. Maybe 'Inverter Coolant Pump' is an incomplete name and should be extended to something like 'Hybrid System Coolant Pump' as major and costly components could be endangered if the pump fails or goes intermittent for extended periods. Pump intermittency or outright failure may not noticed if you are not running Priidash on a daily basis. In my case the circuit board that is potted in the base of the pump failed to an open circuit and could no longer induce a spinning magnetic field into the rotor within the pump body. Posted in Priuschat, one owner had his fail to a short circuit that smoked a bit. Thanks again for making Priidash available to us. ccdisce