Sorry to hear about that. My wife picked her Brand new Prius up about a month ago. We left the dealership, I was following. We got on the interstate, and about five miles from the dealer, with 50 miles on the OD, a stinking Bob Cat ran right in front of the new Prius. She hit it, the cats weigh about 40 lbs. and it took out lower grill, miss-alligned hood and left fender, destroyed front and back air flow plates under the car, and cracked the front bumper right down the middle. So far its about $1500 dollars worth. We finally took it in Yesterday, after driving it for the last five weeks, wrecked.
I just bought a deer alert whistler, although I highly doubt it works as advertised. All state said cost in installing 3M clear bra will be covered.
We're finally picking up the car tomorrow morning. They ended up replacing front bumper, radiator support and the hood. Applied film in NJ will be installing clear bra on the car again for $600, which is 1/2 the cost of what dealers would charge.
Make sure you wait 30 days for the respray to cure before applying the clear bra. Also, you probably are already aware of this-- clear bras applied on top of resprays have no warranty because of the potential of paint peeling upon removal. Resprays are usually not as strong as factory paint.