amm0's on a thankless thanks mission, hitting the thanks buttons 1000 times a day until his penance is complete (don't ask what he's atoning for, something to do with promises made to 5213 virgins in the back seat of a Corvette (which doesn't have a back seat)). Anyway, thought I'd make his chore easier by setting up this thanks bazaar, where you can post as many posts as you can stand, all of which will be rapidly thanked, for the sole purpose of getting thanked, thanklessly. And all without the slightest risk of inflating your post count, a calamity which has already claimed amm0 and undoubtedly upset some of those virgins. You're welcome (another button much missed and badly needed in this button-happy land).
I'm not at all sure I know where ammobob is coming from or going with his thank you campaign. That said, I find his prolifically given appreciations to be little bursts of warmth and pleasantness scattered throughout the forum. It turns out that thanking is not a simple business; it can can have multiple origins and purposes: Thank-you - definition: Done or given as a way of telling someone that you are grateful to them. Used for telling someone that you are grateful for something that they have said or done. Alternate ways of saying thank you: shout-out, noun a public statement of thanks bless you used when you want to thank someone much obliged used for thanking someone politely cheers, interjection thank you ta interjection thank you I owe you one used for thanking someone for something that they have done for you you’re too kind/generous used for thanking someone in a way that is very polite but not completely sincere acknowledgment, noun a statement of thanks for something that someone has done Extracted from: thank you - synonyms/related words - Macmillan Dictionary & Thesaurus Much obliged, and a heartfelt shout out to ammobob. But I will add that one profligate* thanker on the forum is quite enough. * prof·li·gate/ˈpräfligət/, adjective: Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.
Don't we have to shine the Bob light into the sky over the server first, to get his attention?? /S'pose I could try it/ /Fires up light via TCP/IP/ :mod: /Sotto voice/ /Thanks Bob/ /Kinda kinky/ /But I liked it/
The Vette in my avatar is not as good a car as my Prius is at the moment... if you want to hear flames about the car, I can suggest another forum that I frequent that would give you more responses than what you could drum up here Bra... Another form of trying to game this system... I will have to decline the suggestion because it isn't an honest mistake to be corrected, I made a deliberate post without considering what my actions would impact that made me among the counted again... and in all honesty, I kinda prefer to not have the mods do anything for me if I don't have to... they are busy and sometimes confused about the actual content of some threads, and I don't want to be banned again for being a nuisance... I know I know, I don't think I am a nuisance Bra, but I have proof that some here do...
The idea was brought up but amm0bob says no deal.
It's easier to get my attention with tequila Bra... I am like a cat to a can opener when I hear the bottle being cracked open I am told... I think my frau has a recording of it somewhere in the room so she can get my attention faster... she has said she proved Pavlov's principle on that alone...
You have been banned before? How did you get back in? Is there some kind of penance you have to pay to Danny and the Mods? In my nearly a year I have seen a few members here disappeared, I don't think they came back.
Some don't come back Bra... some by their choice, others - not so much... because it can get a bit snarky from some folks that are leaning one way or another when you happen to lean the other way or make them think you're a fence-sitter... The only penance that works in here is time-out without comments except for some minor groveling and boot-kissing... but, it is not my forum... so... I did find out what the taste of the shoe leather was... and I know that the requirement for a ball-gag is strong if you ever step on your willy and get reported. I have been trained... well, I'm sure that is still a question in the minds of some just how properly I was trained... but I haven't tried to test the powers that be much anymore, cause that's when I end up missing for a month... :bolt:
I've been banned before too. Like twice. I totally forget why though. It was a long time ago. I was brash and felt like I could take on the world.
I would have banned you just for your old avatar. Just kidding! I do find it interesting that some choose to come back and are allowed and others don't come back at all either by choice or they are not allowed. I guess I don't bother anyone enough or make that much trouble around here to even be on the potential ban list? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.