I've had asshats do that to me (occasionally, it's not a frequent occurrence) for years, decades, long before I ever owned a Prius. While I cannot determine their given mindset, whether they don't like me because I'm in a Prius (or whatever), or if they are just choosing to act like a douche that day, or if they felt the need to gun it for some perfectly rational (in their mind) reason, I do not know, nor do I devote much energy to speculating about.
In too many cases an oversized diesel pickup is used as a commuter vehicle. It is disturbing to see so much money invested in an inefficient vehicle, especially with large exhaust. In many cases these vehicles are idled. All diesel exhaust is a carcinogen. I don't mind efficient diesels used where another vehicle would not offer the same value, i.e., hauling large loads between a railroad and town. The idea that "more is better" is archaic and not appropriate in 2011. People feel that if they can "afford" something, it is okay. There is no acknowledgment of limits or responsibilities. This is clearly the "tragedy of the commons."
Clean diesel technology is here. Between Urea injection systems (ad blue) and diesel exhaust particulat filters, emission near zero. Soon enough as old fleets get retired, the fleet is getting cleaner, and more efficient. For example, my 07 Mercedes Sprinter van is as clean as any car, and as a 9600 lbs vehicle, it gets ~22 mpg at freeway speeds. There are some who complain that these technologies are troublesome and expensive, I have had zero problems in 40k miles. When the van is running, you absolutely can't smell anything in the exhaust ( or see anything). Big Dodge/Ford/ GM diesel pickups are a problem, as are thier owners, but thier days are numbered. I wish that Toyota would introduce a small clean diesel car and truck in the N. American market, and indeed build a diesel Prius. Diesel engines are fundamentally more efficient for a number of reasons,, mostly because they convert more of the BTUs to power usefully,, they are thermally way more efficient. Icarus
We have a small fleet of Mercedes Van converted taxis (2007/8 model years) and they have the emission control systems and we have had ZERO problems with it. They are now upto 300k+ miles each and are run round town 24/7/365. In fact they have been really good vans with hardly any gearbox or engine issues. We had VW's before and they were dreadful, nice to drive but soo unreliable. Other manufactures systems are less reliable though (I won't name them and some aren't available in the USA).