For those pinball aficionados, try Pinball HD 4 iPhone 'Pinball HD 4 iPhone' — Gameprom's Collection Comes to the Retina Display (Review) | Touch Arcade Warning, it is highly addictive. The Retina Display really shows the richness of the game. I wonder what it would be like when the iPad gets a Retina Display?
Apps I use most or like the best: facebook wundermap (weather) glympse fandango beejive (instant messaging) hold em 21 pro (blackjack) flight control (although this is not as good as it is on the iPad) I have a lot of specialized apps being a music teacher so if you're interested: pitch pro (tuning pitch pipe) metronome (keeps the tempo) instruments (gives me fingerings for any note on any instrument) more cowbell other things i like but don't need as often: Constitution (you never know when you'll need a copy in this day and age) Declaration Visible Vote Google Earth AppBox Pro (has all kinds of stuff in it) Car and Driver Buyers Guide Shazam (figure out the name of a song) iChuck (the best Chuck Norris musings)
Sorry, I'm not following the suggested format but Fotopedia Heritage for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store is a cool app if you like to view pretty pictures of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. I have no iPad, but imagine it's even better on that than my iPhone 4. I just also had to get this comic in. This is how I feel about buying apps - The Oatmeal Even though (IIRC) I've only bought one iDevice app, it still struck a chord w/me.
Currently a lite app user but still learning and experimenting. This is what I would suggest Use Often:WeatherEye - Free (The Weather Network, Canada's mobile/app version) Automotive - Free (Good for reading up on car articles while waiting around) Use Sometimes: Rush Hour - $2.99 (Based on the real plastic puzzle game. Fun and addictive and gets your brain going esp. on the expert puzzles) Facebook - Free Skype - Free PowerLight - Free (quick access to the flash on the iPhone4 to use as a torch/flashlight) Sudoku2 - Free Urbanspoon - Free iBooks - Free (can use as a PDF reader) AroundMe - Free (Good for quickly checking for nearby amenities) Quordy - $2.99 (Basically it's Boggle) One interesting app... The PQ Test - Prius App by Toyota Malaysia. Unlocks videos and some nice Prius wallpaper
Just downloaded a new app called "Parking Mate". It's free and it allows you to do several things Set your parking meter in the app so you can check how much time you have left at any time just by looking at the app as well as set it to remind you when there's X minutes left Take a photo of your spot Make notes if necessary (e.g. which floor you parked on) Tag your location so that you can launch google maps to walk you back to your car Set parking restrictions at your location so it can remind you of the No Parking restriction is approaching or if a multi-storey car park is about to close Send parking restriction rules to your friends so that they can import it into the app and get notifications too
incredible graphics if you have an iPhone 4 Sorry to break the format yet again. Epic Citadel is apparently a demo of the 3D game engine shown during the Stevenote on 9/1. It looks AMAZING in the Retina Display. Wow! Won't work if you have an iPhone 3G or iPod Touch prior to 3rd gen.
Thanks to a daily deal, the hit game Flight Control and its HD version (for iPad) are free today! App Store - Flight Control Flight Control HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store
I just walked out of Best Buy after buying a mounting bracket for my new LCD Screen. I could not find a price in the display area where I found the mount I wanted, so I clicked the Amazon Price App, scanned the barcode, and bing $69.99. I went to the quick check out stations and asked them to scan the price, bing, $129.00. No I don't think so, I asked, Do you match prices?", I held up the phone, and walked out of the store with a 69.99 LCD TV mount! This one is a Double +1 !
Popular Paid iPhone Apps Gone Free For Limited Time | Redmond Pie A few paid apps that have gone free temporatily. I Am T-Pain, Verb IM, Flight control, & Mirror's Edge
Cardstar lets you store your reward cards so you don't have to carry them around. It works well but only without a screen protector (at least a thick one like ZAGG's invishield). Photosynth lets you create 360° Pano's right from your phone! Ironically, it's from microsoft.
I use Key Ring for the above reward cards. Awhile ago, Microsoft Bing threw in 110K jobs into Gigwalk. They wanted people to use Photosynth to take panoramic pictures of the insides of businesses to improve Bing Maps listings. The ironic part is that Gigwalk and the Photosynth apps are only available on iOS. They'd gotten a lot of press about this awhile ago, you can find them by Googling for microsoft pays iphone users. I did over 200+ of these pano jobs + a whole bunch of more closed businesses (that don't get paid as much). Unfortunately, in most of the metro areas where Bing threw in these pano jobs, including mine, the jobs are all dried up.
App Store - Asphalt 6: Adrenaline (a car racing game) is currently free. I tried playing a round and found it has pretty decent graphics and a decent frame rate. Techbargains says it used to be $0.99. iPad version is also free right now. One warning: the app is huge, occupying >900 megs.