Last night a lady backed into my 2008 Prius just behind the left rear tire. The panel was broken loose about half inch but was not too noticeable. It left a white scratch about a foot high and 8 inches wide. The insurance company is taking care of it but I was wondering if the whole bumper will have to be replaced or can it be buffed out and painted? TIA Liz
Well a little wax and buffing might work, but if it were my car, the person who hit you pays for the repairs! You are should not have to pay any deductible, get a free rental car while yours is being repaired to a state it was before the accident! If they do not have insurance I would zoom and talk to a Accident Attorney! The first call is usually free! Good Luck, let us know what happens!
I'd agree with kk6pd. if it is just a minor blemish, they might just have it repaired instead of replaced.
Hi Liz. Re the panel braking loose, this can often be simply clicked back into position without any drama. A few weeks ago I bumped the right rear of our Prius into a wooden fence while backing out of my garage. :redface: The panel popped out half an inch just as you described. At first I thought I'd done some kind of damage, but it turned out I was able to just push it back into place and it clicked back into position no problems. So far everything seems fine, nothing looks at all out of place. Naturally since the other party is responsible for the damage you should make sure that yours is properly repaired.
The lady who hit my car was insured by Geico. I took it to the repair shop Tuesday (13th) and picked it up Wednesday (14th). They did an excellent job with a lifetime warranty. I intend to keep this car a looooooooooong time. Did I say I like this Prius??