Wow amazing how things progress and get diverted. To those few who question me, I offer the following, not that I have to but to hopefully make you feel better. I was merely making the point that this state and others I am sure are now way more aggressive than ever before on tickets. I do not blame the cop, but the mismanagement of the states finances. In the past years you would never see a cop pull someone over for such a small infraction. My term bastids is a light hearted attempt at humor. Had I been really pissed, I would have used the proper spelling. Bastids is considered less offensive to most. But profanity should not be tolerated in a public forum and tks to the mods for nipping that one in the bud ( Bob that's slang for butt) I have done ride a longs and have respect for police. I was even their boss for 8 years in the not too distant past and count many of them as dear friends. My note was to simply warn others that they are looking more now than ever. Nothing more. I have taken full responsibility for my actions or in this case lack of (not mounting the front plate). Oh and by the way, I was a total gentlemen to the cop who pulled me over cause I know he is only doing what he is told and he does not need an argument from a driver, pulling a car over at night. So enough said here. For those who read more into what I stated, to bad. For those who saw what the post was really about, thanks, you got it. Just keep your nose clean and smoky will have less reasons to pull you over and then he can get after the illegal dude with the busted
The front plate thing came about from the speed trap cameras that are slowly being eliminated in CA as unreliable and unenforceable. Just some more govt trying to protect us from ourselves. Glad your thrilled over someone getting a ticket over a "Big Brother" BS law. Bet you turn people in at work for exceeding their 10 minute break.
I appreciate your thoughts on the value of law enforcement. The problem with laws like this is that the law has no value in terms of protecting the public, just a revenue generator as the officer stated. Sort of taxation without representation. Too bad our lawmakers don't put this much effort into things that actually matter like legitimate health care programs or reduction in the size of govt or paying themselves and the officers 80% of salary at retirement.
Two questions: 1. So what is the logic behind requiring a front plate in the first place? 2. Is there not a difference between taking in a baddie on a true "probable cause" stop (somehow justifying the reasoning behind probable cause in the first place) and issuing a warning for something as truly mundane and irrelevant as not having a front plate?
Correction: It's taxation with representation. You get to vote for the people who pass the laws. That's what representation means. The Founding Fathers were upset because they didn't get to vote for members of Parliament. (It didn't help that King George was a raving lunatic.) On the subject of flying, I find the security to be a minor nuisance. I have to get to the airport a little bit earlier. I find they are always polite about it, and usually pretty efficient. I don't think it really makes the planes safer. I think the biggest disincentive to a repeat of 9/11 is that now passengers know that cooperating with hijackers is no longer the safest policy (as it used to be). The next big terrorist massacre will be something entirely different. However, having said that, I don't mind the security all that much. I hate to ride in airplanes, not because of the security or even the danger of crashing, but mostly because of the boredom and the motion sickness. And most of all the incompetence of the airlines with regard to getting my bags on the same plane with me. On the subject of police, I've always been treated with courtesy and correctness by cops, whether being stopped for a (very rare, in my case) infraction, or arrested for nonviolent civil disobedience. However, not all cops are so nice to all people. There are places where Driving While Black is treated as probable cause for harassment. And I've watched as a perfectly calm and peaceful American Indian was treated with unnecessary harshness, which the cop would not have used with a middle-class white person. So it's a mixed bag, with your experience likely to be different depending on your race and social class.
Guess I'll go with "bad representation" in this case or taxation without justification. Police reflect society, some are good at their job and respect the power they have, others feel entitled and probably snuck past the pshycological exam. Being so visible, the bad ones stand out compared to a "regular" person.
Daniel, you might try flying Virgin America next time... they've been really good when we fly. To all police officers on PC - thank you. I do appreciate how difficult your job is, and how dangerous. You are heroes. To those that "hate messing up the front bumper" with a license plate - get over yourself, it's a car. And for our forum Moderators, thank you :thumb:
Whip him, whip it good! BTW: Why have a front plate? Police have a new tool to catch car thieves. A camera that can scan the license plate of on coming cars and return a hit if the car is stolen within moments.
My city police dept. just bought one of those units for $22K, paid for with a grant. The first time they put it on the street, it found a stolen car. I read that it scans not only moving traffic, but cars parked on the street and can also be used while the officer drives through parking lots. If it gets a "hit" the officer confirms via the normal channels before making a traffic stop.
VA does not serve Spokane, or any of the places I'm likely to fly other than Ft. Lauderdale (when I go to Bimini). And for that I'd have to go west, then south, before finally going east. From Spokane, choices are few. It's one of the few disadvantages of living in a small city. OTOH, traffic is very seldom a problem here.
some lady called the norman goldman show tonite. she got pulled over in seattle for expired registration. then, when the officer came up the the car, he spotted reefer and a handgun on the passenger seat. she had a permit for the gun, but, her medical marijuana certificate had expired. her big complaint was that they confiscated her gun!
The front and rear plate law is a correct and useful one. Civilized people obey the law or pay the price. It is hardly a conspiracy. It is not a civil rights issue. Anyone who suggests that we should knowingly and deliberately break this law because of some ill conceived version of style over safety, is indeed, an ...